Degree Studies and Programs

Major in Public Relations and Communication Techniques

Major in Linguistics and Interpretation Studies

Major in European Studies

Major in Asian Studies. Chine

Major in Asian Studies. Japan

Major in Russian Studies

Minor in Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

Minor in Communicative Skills

Minor in Advertising Art




Courses for Foreign Languages

Course for City-Guides

Course in Simultaneous Translation

Course in Managing an Office

How to Read a Course Description

Short descriptions of all the courses that are offered at the Nevsky Institute are included into the present catalogue.

The term “course” means a subject students take during one or several terms.

You can find the information about course descriptions in the parts with the description of the Departments of the Nevsky Institute.

Every course has its own code that means the following:

Abbreviation is the name of the Department

  • Eng – Department of English
  • Sp, Grm, Fr – Department of the Second Foreign Language (Spanish, German, French)
  • Ling – Department of Linguistics and Linguistic Arts
  • PR – Department of Public Relations and Communication Techniques
  • Hm – Department of Humanities
  • Ec – Department of Economics and Finance
  • Reg – Department of European Studies
  • Inf – Department of Information Technology and Science
  • Gen – Department of Gender Studies
  • Rus – Department of Russian as a Foreign Language

Arabic numerals mean the ordinal number of the subject at the Department.

Roman numerals mean the year of study:

  • I. – the first year
  • II. – the second year
  • III. – the third year
  • IV. – the forth year
  • V. – the fifth year

F or S means a term:

  • – Fall Term
  • – Spring Term

After the name of the course you can find the description of its aims and contents.

The total amount of hours, a type of final tests (test, exam etc.) is indicated in brackets.

If a course is offered during more than one term you can find a detailed description of its parts after its general one. In the detailed description of the parts you will find information about how the material of the course is divided for each term.

If it is necessary for a student to know the material being lectured during the previous term there is a special notice in brackets.

* The course is not a compulsory one, i.e. a minor course.

** The student will write a term paper for only one course, and may choose which paper for which course will be written.


For instance:

Ling-07. INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL LINGUISTICS. The course is to present the main issues of linguistics and the place of linguistics in the general theory of communication. It covers both conventional and non-conformist approaches to language and is to encourage students to develop their own way of abstract thinking. Students will have an opportunity to acquire a vision of the basic problems and issues of general linguistics, the role of language as a means of intercourse, and features of verbal communication. The course familiarizes students with language classifications and typologies and topical issues of general linguistics, its goals, methods, and techniques.

Ling-07.I.F. The course covers the following topics: language as a system of signs (semiotics); origins of language; linguistics change and development; linguistic units and levels of language. (38 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Ling-07.I.S. Phonetics, grammar, and lexicology as parts of linguistics. Le langage, la parle, la langue. Principles of language classification. Abstracts from history of writing. (Prerequisites Ling-07.I.F.) (38 h., exam, 2 ECTS)

This means the following:

Ling - means the Department of Linguistics and Linguistic Arts where the course of “Introduction to General Linguistics” is offered.

07. - means the ordinal number of the course at the Department. After this you can find a short general description:

I. –  the first year of study

F. – Fall term

S. – Spring term

38 h. – the total amount of academic (contact) hours

pass/fail, exam – the form of final test

2 ECTS - value of the course according to European Credit Transfer System

(Prerequisite Ling-07.I.F.) – only for students who attended the course during a Fall Term can attend this course during a Spring Term.



Russian Language Courses for Foreign Students


A-02.1. PRE-INTERMEDIATE/INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN. The course length – 16 weeks. 16 academic hours per week (Grammar – 4h; Conversation – 4h; Phonetics – 4h; Analytical Reading – 4h). (256h., Exam., 8 ECTS)

A-02.2. INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED RUSSIAN. The course length -16 weeks. 20 academic hours per week (Grammar – 4h; Conversation – 4h; Phonetics – 4h; Analytical Reading – 4h; Special Course – 4h). (320h., Exam., 10 ECTS).

Bg-01. RUSSIAN FOR BEGINNERS. Duration - 4 weeks. The course is offered for 20 academic hours a week and consists of closely related parts: Pronunciation – 6h; Grammar – 10h; Conversation – 4h. These classes are designed to give a start in Russian to complete beginners. All the teaches can speak English. (80h., Exam., 2,5 ECTS)

El-01. ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN. Duration – 4 weeks. 16 academic hours a week. The course includes Pronunciation (4h a week), Grammar (6h a week), Conversation (6h a week). (64h., Exam., 2 ECTS).

El-02. Elementary Russian. Duration – 4 weeks. 20 academic hours a week. The course includes Pronunciation (4h a week), Grammar (8h a week), Conversation (8h a week). (80h., Exam., 2,5 ECTS.)

P-In-01. PRE-INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN. Duration –4 weeks. 16 academic hours a week. The course includes Phonetics (4h a week), Grammar (6h a week), Conversation (6h a week). (64h., Exam., 2 ECTS).

P-In-02. PRE-INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN. Duration – 4 weeks. 20 academic hours a week. The course includes Phonetics (4h a week), Grammar (8h a week), Conversation (8h a week). (80h., Exam., 2,5 ECTS).

In-01. INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN Duration – 4 weeks. 16 academic hours per week. The course includes Phonetics (4h a week), Grammar (4h a week), Conversation (4h a week), Analytical Reading (4h a week). (64h., Exam., 2 ECTS).

In-02. INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN. Duration – 4 weeks. 20 academic hours per week. The course includes Phonetics (4h a week), Grammar (4h a week), Conversation (4h a week), Analytical Reading (4h a week). Video Course (4h a week). (80h., Exam., 2,5 ECTS).

H-In-01. UPPER-INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN. Duration – 4 weeks. 20 academic hours a week. The course includes Phonetics and Intonation (4h. a week), Grammar (6h. a week), Conversation (6h.a week), Analytical Reading and Stylistics (4h. a week). (80h., Exam., 2,5 ECTS) .


H-In-02. UPPER-INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED RUSSIAN. Duration – 6 weeks. 16/20 academic hours per week. The course includes Phonetics and Intonation (4h a week), Grammar (4h a week), Conversation + Video (4h a week), Analytical Reading and Stylistics (4h a week), one special course (4h a week) – upon request. (96h/120h., Exam., 3/4 ECTS).

Adv-01. ADVANCED RUSSIAN. Duration – 6 weeks. 16/20 academic hours a week. The course includes Phonetics and Intonation (2h a week), Grammar (4h a week), Translation (4h a week), Conversation (6h a week), one special course (4h a week) – upon request. (96h./120h., Exam., 3/4 ECTS).

Adv-02. ADVANCED RUSSIAN. Duration – 4 weeks. 16/20 academic hours a week. The course includes Phonetics and Intonation (2h a week), Grammar (4h a week), Translation (4h a week), Conversation (6h a week), one special course (4h a week) – upon request. (64/80h., Exam., 2/2,5 ECTS).

Adv-03. ADVANCED RUSSIAN – INTENSIVE. Duration – 2 weeks. 30 hours per week; 6 hours per day). The course includes 20 hours of Translation; 20 hours of Grammar; 20 hours of Conversation. (60h., Exam., 8 ECTS)

Adv-Syn. ADVANCED SYNTAX. The course is designed for students and graduate students who are majoring in Russian Language and Russian Literature. (12h./24h.,Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).

* Available upon request.


In-Gram. GRAMMAR. INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN. The course is designed for students who would like to improve their grammar. The course covers the main grammar topics of intermediate level. (16h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).


Adv-Gram. GRAMMAR. ADVANCED RUSSIAN. The objectives of the course are the learning and training grammatical difficulties of Russian. Special attention is paid to the Russian verbal system: aspect and tense forms in functioning, verbs of motion with prefixes in direct and indirect meaning, position verbs with prefixes in indirect meaning and difficult cases of verb government. (12/24h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).

In-Ph. PHONETICS. INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN. The course is designed for students who would like to improve their pronunciation. (16h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).

Adv-Ph. PHONETICS. ADVANCED RUSSIAN. The course is designed for those who would like to get rid of the accent. The audio and video materials help the students to work on phonetics and intonation of spoken Russian. (12h./24h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).

EL-Cnv. CONVERSATION. ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN. The course is designed for students who need to strengthen their speaking abilities. It covers everyday vocabulary and phrases for typical situations. (16h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).

In-Cnv. CONVERSATION. INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN. The course is designed for students who would like to widen the emotional and abstract vocabulary in functional capacity, to strengthen the ability to held discussions in Russian. (12h./24h.

Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).

Adv-Cnv. CONVERSATION. ADVANCED RUSSIAN. This course is specifically focused on the usage of everyday vocabulary and based on the use of the up-to-date audio and video materials. The audio and video materials help the students to work on phonetics and intonation of spoken Russian. (12h./24h. Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).


In-AnR. ANALYTICAL READING. INTERMADIATE RUSSIAN. The course is designed to introduce Russian Literature to the students, to extend their vocabulary. Students are offered a few units of texts of different periods and genres, united by one topic. Students are supposed to get acquainted and to read the texts beforehand. Reading of some extracts and analysis of the text are held by teacher’s guidance. (24h/32h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).

Adv-AnR. ANALYTICAL READING. ADVANCED RUSSIAN. The course is designed for students who are majoring in Russian Language and Russian Literature and would like to widen their vocabulary and to get acquainted with stylistic peculiarities of different texts. (24h./32h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).

Adv-Styl. STYLISTICS. ADVANCED RUSSIAN. The course is designed for graduate students who are interested in stylistic peculiarities of different genres. Course can be divided into several parts: Style of Literature, Newspaper Writing, Official Style. (24h./32h./48h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).

Adv-T. TRANSLATION. ADVANCED RUSSIAN. Classes include translation from and into Russian. Special attention is paid to compound syntactical structures and colloquial patterns. Synchronous translation in the language laboratory is a required part of the course. (24h./32h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).


This course is designed for foreign citizens who would like to take the exam in Russian as a Foreign Language. The course program uses formal grammar teaching and vocabulary extension as well as extensive reading, further written practice, listening and discussion to improve students’ overall Russian to the appropriate level. Students will also be prepared for the particular format of the exams. The program of the course as well as applicant’s language level depends on his/her requirements. Before you start the Course we will give you a Placement Test to determine your language level.

Courses for Special Purposes:


This course is designed for people, who would like to develop business contacts in Russia and have elementary level of Russian. The course includes texts, excerpts from documents, dialogues and language assignments. Each lesson is followed by vocabulary and grammar charts. The volume of the vocabulary is 700 words and word combinations. It is possible to take this course intensively. The topics of this course:

Banking: The main characteristics of bank’s activity; Clients; Bank’s branches; License of International Activity; Technical equipment of the bank; Auditors of the bank.

Bank Service: Banking facilities; Attraction of financial recourses; Management of bank funds; Issue (Release) of shares; Subjects of bank’s activity.

Opening an Account with a Bank: Opening an account by juridical person; Opening an account by natural person.

Business Contacts: Making an appointment; Talking to bank officers; Telephoning; Business talks. Marketing

(32h., Exam., ECTS – in combination with other courses).



This course is designed for those who are interested in Russian history and politics and have Intermediate level of Russian.

The course includes texts, excerpts from texts, newspaper articles, video-films and exercises based on that material. Classes are held in a form of discussion. Amount of hours of the course can be changed according to student’s preferences. The topics of this course: The beginning of Russia: People of Russia in XI century; Everyday life and traditions of ancient Slavs; Ancient Slavs’ creeds; Introduction of Christianity. Great Novgorod: Novgorod veche; The end of Novgorod independence. The First Tsats of the House of Romanov: Mikhail Feodorovich; Alxey Mikchailovich. Ancient Cities: Moscow, Kremlin. Peter the Great: Birth and childhood of Peter the Great; First years of his government; Acquaintance with foreigners; Peter’s reforms; Foundation of the northern capital – St. Petersburg; Successors of Peter the Great.

Catherine the Great: The age of the Enlightenment; Customs and manners; Annexation of the Crimea. War with France of 1812: Fights against Napoleon. The Last Emperor of Russia: Nikolaj II and his time. The October Socialist Revolution: Phenomenon of Lenin; “Religion is opium for people”. The Period of Stalin: The war against his own people; The war against Fascist Germany. The Period of Cold War: From Chrustchev to Gorbachev. Socialism in its activity. Perestrojka: How it happened. Political Process Today: Struggle for power; Future of Russia

** Topics, amount of hours – upon request.


The Course is designed for those who are interested in Russian Literature and have Intermediate level of Russian. The aim of the course is to introduce Russian literature to the students, to extend their vocabulary, to acquaint them with stylistic peculiarities of different texts.

Students are offered a few units of texts of different periods and genres, united by one topic. Depending on their own interest students can form a 24-hour course according to their choice.

Students are supposed to get acquainted and to read the texts beforehand. Reading of some extracts and analysis of the text are held by teacher’s guidance.

** Topics, amount of hours – upon request.


Amount of academic hours – 2160 h. Amount of credits – 60 ECTS. The program starts in the middle of September. It is designed for students majoring in Linguistics 

Core Courses (20 ECTS):

Psychology and Pedagogy;

Introduction to Linguistics;

Russian Language and Speech Culture;

Foreign Language.

Required and optional Courses (26,5 ECTS):

Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, and Lexicology;

Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language.

Training sessions (13,5 ECTS):

Analysis and systematization of educational materials;

Preparation and carrying out of educational excursions. Orientation through St. Petersburg with international students;

Helping Sessions for international students;

Practice in Teaching;

Term papers.


Courses for Students Majoring in Linguistics and Linguistic Arts:

Eng-01. ENGLISH PHONETICS. The aim of the course is to study the sounds and intonation of the English language. Students cover the principles of complete phonetic analysis of text. Students sharpen their skills in English pronunciation. Special emphasis is put on rhythm. The classes are held in a lab.

The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-01.I.F. Elementary English. Introduction to English pronunciation and the differences between English and Russian structures. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-01.I.S. Elementary English (continued). The course focuses on English consonants and vowels. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-01.I.F.)

Eng-01.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. The course accentuates the pronunciation of sound combinations. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-01.I.S.)

Eng-01.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). The course stresses on English rhythm and intonation. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-01.II.F.)

Instructor: Elena A. Yakovleva


Eng-02. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. The purpose of the course is thorough study of English grammar and its patterns with oral drills and written exercises. Students develop skills in producing grammatically correct sentences both in oral and written forms. The special attention is given to differences between Russian and English grammar systems. Another important goal is to provide general knowledge on the morphological system of the English language and basic characteristics of different parts of speech. It should be noted that the emphasis is put on grammatical formal features of the English verb and usage of Tenses in the Active and Passive voice. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-02.I.F. Elementary English. Basic grammatical structures and patterns with oral drills and written exercises. A systematic introduction to grammar. Review of English grammar studied at secondary school. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Eng-02.I.S. Elementary English (continued). Much attention is paid to grammatical characteristics of the English verb and to the formation, meaning and usage of Tenses in the Active and Passive Voices. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-02.I.F.)

Eng-02.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. Grammar topics are: the English article, its position in a sentence and ways of translating it into Russian. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-02.I.S.)

Eng-02.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). This course stresses on the forms and types of the subjunctive mood, the Infinitive and its constructions. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-02.II.F.)

Eng-02.III.F. Intermediate English. The course focuses on the study of the Infinitive, Participle and Gerund. (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-02.II.S.)

Eng-02.III.S. Intermediate English (continued). Thorough study of English syntax. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-02.III.F.)

Instructor: Lubov A. Volkova


Eng-03. ENGLISH READING. The course aims at developing the skills of reading and comprehension. Classes in reading focus both on reading techniques and stylistic and pragmatic features. Much attention is given to creative writing (compositions on literary topics, social issues and country studies). Students read original fiction and non-fiction texts of English and American writers. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-03.I.F. Elementary English. Special emphasis is given to using general and background knowledge and intuition to comprehend English texts. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-03.I.S. Elementary English (continued). Classes in reading focus not on reading techniques, as in the first year, but on stylistic and pragmatic characteristics of texts. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-03.I.F.)

Eng-03.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. The course is designed for the development of the ability to read and understand texts of various genres (scientific, journalistic, Proficient, etc.). (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-03.I.S.)

Eng-03.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). The skills of reading for detailed comprehension are developed. Elements of lexical and grammatical analysis are introduced. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-03.II.F.)

Instructor: Tatiana B. Kalikina


Eng-04. LISTENING COMPREHENSION. The goal of the course is to develop skills of intensive and extensive listening. Intensive listening activities include listening for a specific piece of information or for a detail. Extensive listening activities are aimed at forming a general opinion or listening for the main ideas of the text presented. The classes are held in a lab. The course is intended for intermediate students.

Eng-04.III.F. Intermediate English. Much attention is paid to listening and comprehension of various accents. (68 h., written test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-04.III.S. Intermediate English (continued). The purpose is to improve students' listening skills, especially information introduced by native speakers of different ages and educational backgrounds. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-04.III.F.)

Instructor: Julia M. Valijeva


Eng-05. ENGLISH CONVERSATION. The aim of the course is to teach students to reproduce monologue and dialogue in a grammatically correct way making extensive use of active vocabulary and elements of style. The topics are versatile - ranging from the everyday to the social and political. During the course students also acquire and perfect such skills as comprehension of native speakers, reproduction of original texts which are similar to the text studied by students. Students are encouraged to use their language acquisition as well as background knowledge and intuition. Intensive practice in oral self-expression and comprehension based on literary and audio-visual sources of modern standard English. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-05.I.F. Elementary English. This course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge. Conversation and writing activities based on a variety of topics. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Eng-05.I.S. Elementary English (continued). The focus is on improving comprehension and speaking skills. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-05.I.F.)

Eng-05.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. Continuous work towards proficiency in written and spoken English with attention to stylistic nuance and fluency of expression. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-05.I.S.)

Eng-05.II.S. Pre-intermediate (continued). The students’ attention is directed to such language phenomena as polysemy, homonymy, semantic groups of synonyms and antonyms, syntactic synonymy and elements of word-formation analysis. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-05.II.F.)

Eng-05.III.F. Intermediate English. The course concentrates on conversation tactics and vocabulary-building through class discussions. Development of critical vocabulary and special attention to writing skills. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-05.II.S.)

Eng-05.III.S. Intermediate English (continued). Class time is focused on developing oral proficiency; by the end of the course, students should be able to engage in everyday conversation with native speakers. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-05.III.F.)

Eng-05.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Major emphasis on the development of vocabulary and oral expression. Vocabulary thematically organized to include such topics as education, human relationships, politics, arts. (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-05.III.S.)

Eng-05.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). Conversation practice in this semester is aimed at the formation and practice the vocabulary on the topic 'Arts' with considerable amount of time devoted to area studies. (60 h., exam., 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-05.IV.F.)

Eng-05.V.F. Advanced English. Vocabulary reinforced through film and the reading of classical and contemporary fiction and history. Development of vocabulary in the areas of law, environment. (52 h., exam., 1 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-05.IV.S.)

Eng-05.V.S. Advanced English (continued). Vocabulary work includes religious study. (36 h., exam., 1 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-05.V.F.)

Instructor: Lubov A. Volkova


Eng-06. ENGLISH ANALYTICAL READING. The aim of the course is to master the techniques of linguistic analysis and translation from English into Russian. The original texts studied range over different periods of English literature. Special attention is given to stylistic devices such as metonymy, metaphor, epithet, hyperbole, simile, etc. The course is aimed at developing skills of fiction text comprehension and complete analysis. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students.

Eng-06.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. The goal is to teach students to make a literary and linguistic analysis of authentic fiction texts as well as to analyze a Russian translation of the text for the purpose of conveying the author's individual style and text pragmatism. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-06.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). A concentrated study of 19-20th century English and American literature. (60 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-06.IV.F.)

Eng-06.V.F. Advanced English. A concentrated study of Joyce's Ulisses. (52 h., test, 1 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-06.IV.S.)

Instructor: Evgeny A. Pushkarev


Eng-07. ENGLISH MASS MEDIA. This course is aimed at teaching the students to read, understand and discuss newspaper and magazine stories published in American and British media and also to aurally understand the news broadcast by English radio and television networks. Another objective of the course is exposing the students to the political and social realities of the modern world - military conflicts in Russia and abroad, diplomatic contacts, the activity of international organizations (The UNO, Amnesty International, UNESCO). Special focus is given to media coverage of the events in Russia. Articles from the English language press together with videos and the Internet provide an up-to-date look at the contemporary economic, politic and cultural scene in English-speaking countries. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students.

Eng-07.III.F. Upper-intermediate English. Language lab and Internet (BBC) material provide cultural information on English speaking countries. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-07.III.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). Attention to specialized vocabulary as well as cultural and political issues. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-07.III.F.)

Instructor: Sergey V. Ageev


Eng-08. BUSINESS ENGLISH. The aim of the course is to develop competence in a business related conversation, business communication (including skills of understanding and translating relevant texts), business correspondence and job application. Another task is to make up basic glossaries for specific spheres of modern businesses. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students.

Eng-08.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. The aim of the course is to develop skills in related conversation and business communication (including skills of understanding and translating relevant texts). (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Eng-08.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). The course focuses on related conversation and business communication as well as business correspondence. (60 h., exam., 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-08.IV.F.)

Eng-08.V.F. Advanced English. The study of business English and the basics of business correspondence are continued. The latter is focused on the topics relating to “Routine activities of a company”. (104 h., exam., 3 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-08.IV.S.)

Eng-08.V.S. Advanced English (continued). The course stresses such topics as PR; personnel hiring and dismissal; raising the company’s efficiency; workplace accidents; insurance issues (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-08.V.F.)

Instructor: Marina Ye. Bachvalova


Eng-09. ENGLISH FOR SPECIAL PURPOSE. The goals of the course are: reading and translating economics texts of various levels from the viewpoint of structural, content and pragmatic difficulty; reading for information. Topics relate to economic development, governmental regulation of business and similar aspects of economics. The course is aimed at the development of critical reading and read-for-gist skills. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students.

Eng-09.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Much attention is given to vocabulary extension concerning general economics topics and making up basic glossary for specific spheres of economic theory and modern business. (68 h., written test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-09.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). The course is aimed at the development of critical reading and reading for-gist skills. The glossary is built on the vocabulary connected with urgent economic problems. (60 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-09.IV.F.)

Instructor: Olga V. Bycheck


Courses for Students Majoring in Public Relations and Communication Techniques:

Eng-10. ENGLISH CONVERSATION. The aim of the course is intensive practice in oral self-expression and comprehension. Students are taught produce monologue and dialogue in a correct way making extensive use of active vocabulary and elements of style. The topics are versatile - ranging from the everyday to the social and political. During the course students also acquire and perfect such skills as comprehension of native speakers, reproduction of original texts which are similar to the text studied by students. Students are encouraged to use their language acquisition as well as background knowledge and intuition. Classes are based on literary and audio-visual sources of modern Standard English. The course is intended for students who have no previous English language knowledge.

Eng-10.I.F. Beginning English. Conversation and writing activities based on a variety of topics. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Eng-10.I.S. Beginning English (continued). The focus is on improving comprehension and speaking skills. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-10.I.F.)

Eng-10.II.F. Elementary English. Continuous work for proficiency in written and spoken English with attention to stylistic nuance and fluency of expression. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-10.I.S.)

Eng-10.II.S. Elementary English (continued). The students’ attention is drawn to such language phenomena as polysemy, homonymy, semantic groups of synonyms and antonyms, syntactic synonymy and elements of word-formation analysis. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-10.II.F.)

Eng-10.III.F. Pre-intermediate English. The course concentrates on conversation tactics and vocabulary-building through class discussions. Development of critical vocabulary and special attention to writing skills. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-10.II.S.)

Eng-10.III.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). Class time is focused on developing oral proficiency; by the end of the course, students should be able to engage in everyday conversation with native speakers. (120 h., exam., 3 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-10.III.F.)

Instructor: Tatiana A. Makijenko


Eng-11. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. The aim of the course is to teach students to produce monologue and dialogue grammatically correctly. Students develop skills in producing grammatically correct sentences both in oral and written forms. The special attention is given to differences between Russian and English grammar systems. It should be noted a stress is given to grammatical formal features of the English verb and usage of Tenses in the Active and Passive voice. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-11.I.F. Elementary English. Basic grammatical structures and patterns with oral drills and written exercises. A systematic introduction to grammar. Review of English grammar studied at secondary school. Another important aim is to provide general knowledge about the morphological system of the English Language and about basic characteristics and features of various parts of speech. (136 h.,  written test, 4 ECTS)

Eng-11.I.S. Elementary English (continued). Much attention is paid to grammatical characteristics of the English verb and to the formation, meaning and usage of Tenses in the Active and Passive Voices. (136 h., written test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-11.I.F.)

Eng-11.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. Grammar topics are: the English article, its position in a sentence and ways of translating it into Russian. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-11.I.S.)

Eng-11.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). This course stresses the forms and types of the subjunctive mood, the Infinitive and its constructions. (136 h., written test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-11.II.F.)

Eng-11.III.F. Intermediate English. The course focuses on the study of the Infinitive, Participle and Gerund. (68 h., written test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-11.II.S.)

Eng-11.III.S. Intermediate English (continued). Thorough study of English syntax. (60 h., written test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-11.III.F.)

Instructor: Ekaterina V. Nickolaeva


Eng-12. BUSINESS ENGLISH. The aim of this course is to develop competence in business-related conversations, business communication (including skills of understanding and translating relevant texts), business correspondence and job applications. Another task is to make up basic glossaries for specific spheres of modern businesses. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students.

Eng-12.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. The aim of this course is to develop skills in related conversation and business communication (including skills of understanding and translating relevant texts). (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Eng-12.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). The aim of the term is to develop skills in business correspondence. (120 h., exam., 3 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-12.IV.F.)

Eng-12.V.F. Advanced English. The study of business English and the basics of business correspondence are continued. The latter is focused on the topics relating to ‘Routine activities of a company’, namely: PR; personnel hiring and dismissal; raising a company’s efficiency; workplace accidents; insurance issues. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-12.IV.S.)

Instructor: Natalia V. Antonenko


Eng-13. ENGLISH MASS MEDIA. This course is aimed at teaching the students to read, understand and discuss newspaper and magazine stories published in American and British media and also to aurally understand the news broadcast by English radio and television networks. Another objective of the course is exposing the students to the political and social realities of the modern world - military conflicts in Russia and abroad, diplomatic contacts, the activity of international organizations (The UNO, Amnesty International. UNESCO). Special attention is given to media coverage of the events in Russia. Articles from the English language press together with videos and the Internet provide an up-to-date look at the contemporary economic, politic and cultural scene in English-speaking countries. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students.

Eng-13.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Language lab and Internet material provide cultural information on English speaking countries. (34 h., written test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-13.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). Attention to specialized vocabulary as well as cultural and political issues. (60 h., written test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-13.IV.F.)

Instructor: Evgeny A. Pushkarev


Eng-14. ENGLISH FOR SPECIAL PURPOSE. The goals of the course are: reading and translating texts helpful in students' future activity of various levels from the viewpoint of structural, content and pragmatic difficulty; reading for information. Topics relate to advertising, psychology, economic development, governmental regulation of business and similar aspects of PR strategy, economics. The course is aimed at the development of critical reading and read-for-gist skills. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students.

Eng-14.III.F. Upper-intermediate English. Much attention is given to vocabulary extension concerning general PR topics and making up a basic glossary for specific spheres of modern business. (68 h., written test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-14.III.S. Upper-intermediate English. Much attention is given to vocabulary extension concerning general economics topics and making up a basic glossary for specific spheres of economic theory. (60 h., written test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-14.III.F.)

Eng-14.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English (continued). The course is aimed at the development of critical reading and reading for-gist skills. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-14.III.S.)

Eng-14.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). The reading material is built around urgent PR and economic problems. The students are trained to overcome the lexical challenges of the specialized texts. (30 h., written test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-14.IV.F.)

Eng-14.V.F. Advanced English. System survey on marketing and management problems. Special attention to different advertising tendencies of the beginning of the 21st century. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-14.IV.S.)

Instructor: Tatiana B. Kalikina

Courses for Students Majoring in Economics:

Eng-15. ENGLISH CONVERSATION. The aim of the course is intensive practice in oral self-expression and comprehension. Students are taught to produce monologue and dialogue in a correct way making extensive use of active vocabulary and elements of style. The topics are versatile - ranging from the everyday to the social and political. During the course students also acquire and perfect such skills as comprehension of native speakers, reproduction of original texts which are similar to the text studied by students. Students are encouraged to use their language acquisition as well as background knowledge and intuition. Classes are based on literary and audio-visual sources of modern standard English. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-15.I.F. Elementary English. This course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge. Conversation and writing activities based on a variety of topics. (136 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-15.I.S. Elementary English. (continued). The focus is on improving comprehension and speaking skills. Discussions, role-plays. Special attention to stylistic nuance and fluency of expression. (136 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-15.I.F.)

Instructor: Alexander V. Kuzmin


Eng-16. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. The aim of the course is to produce monologue and dialogue grammatically correctly. Students develop skills in producing grammatically correct sentences both in oral and written forms. The special attention is given to differences between Russian and English grammar systems. It should be noted a stress is given to grammatical formal features of the English verb and usage of Tenses in the Active and Passive voice. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-16.I.F. Elementary English. Basic grammatical structures and patterns with oral drills and written exercises. A systematic introduction to grammar. Review of English grammar studied at secondary school. Another important aim is to provide general knowledge about the morphological system of the English Language and about basic characteristics and features of various parts of speech. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-16.I.S. Elementary English (continued). Much attention is given to grammatical characteristics of the English verb and to the formation, meaning and usage of Tenses in the Active and Passive Voices. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-16.I.F.)

Eng-16.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. Grammar topics are: the English article, its position in a sentence and ways of translating it into Russian; Direct/Indirect Speech (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-16.I.S.)

Eng-16.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). This course stresses on the forms and types of the subjunctive mood, the Infinitive Participle and Gerund and constructions. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-16.II.F.)

Instructor: Ekaterina V. Nickolaeva


Eng-17. BUSINESS ENGLISH. An intermediate language course that focuses on communication and writing skills for a business environment, relevant to conducting business in the English speaking world. Writing class covers business correspondence and job applications. The course is intended for pre-intermediate students.

Eng-17.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. Selected topics in the study of company structure and history, types of companies. Work of secretary. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Eng-17.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). Focuses on personnel hiring and dismissal; job interviews; work placement. Discussions and role-plays. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-17.II.F.)

Eng-17.III.F. Intermediate English. Studies include globalization and highly-industrialized and developing countries. The art of holding a meeting. Telephone talk. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-17.II.S.)

Eng-17.III.S. Intermediate English (continued). Focuses on advertising, its forms and methods. Trade (export/import). The art of negotiating. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-17.III.F.)

Eng-17.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Students study ways and methods of successful presentations. Focuses on stressful situations, insurance issues, securities (136 h., test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-17.III.S.)

Eng-17.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). The aim of this course is to develop text translation skills. Focuses on business ethics. Develops skills in business correspondence. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-17.IV.F.)

Eng-17.V.F. Advanced English. The aim of this course is to develop skills in interpreting. Business correspondence (continued). (136 h., test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-17.IV.S.)

Instructor: Larisa A. Gromovaya


Courses for Students Majoring in European Studies:

Eng-18. LINGUISTIC CULTURAL AND REGIONAL STUDIES. This course is intended for students with some previous English language experience. A study of geography, history, arts, education, political and economic structures as well as customs and traditions of some English-speaking countries and countries of Central Europe. The course concentrates on vocabulary building through class discussions. Students are expected to develop skills in analyzing original sources and in oral and written presentations. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-18.I.F. Elementary English. The focus is on geography, climate, flora and fauna of 5 English-speaking countries and 14 countries of Central Europe. Extra home-reading on the history of the UK and students-presentations on some British monarchs required. (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Eng-18.I.S. Elementary English (continued). Examination of selected key aspects and issues in the development of history of 5 English-speaking countries in comparison to the development of the world civilizations. Extra home-reading on the history of the USA and students-presentations on some American Presidents required. (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-18.I.F.)

Eng-18.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. Examination of selected key aspects and issues in the development of history of 14 Central European countries in comparison to the development of the world civilizations. Extra home-reading on the history of countries of Central Europe and students-presentations on some kings, rulers, monarchs of Central European countries required. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-18.I.S.)

Eng-18.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). Class time is focused on traditions and customs of 5 English-speaking countries and 14 countries of Central Europe. Students give presentations on national holidays in any two countries of Central Europe. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-18.II.F.)

Eng-18.III.F. Intermediate English. Explores arts (architecture, painting, sculpture, music) of 5 English-speaking countries and 4 countries of Central Europe in light of the world’s art heritage. Students give presentations on some prominent people of art of English-speaking countries. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-18.II.S.)

Eng-18.III.S. Intermediate English (continued). Explores arts (architecture, painting, sculpture, music) of 10 countries of Central Europe in light of the world’s art heritage. Students give presentations on some outstanding people of art of Central European countries. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-18.III.F.)

Eng-18.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Examination of foreign and domestic policy of 5 English-speaking countries and 14 countries of Central Europe. A study of economic systems of 19 countries. Students give presentations on some prominent political figures and outstanding reformers of economies of these countries. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-18.III.S.)

Eng-18.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). The focus is on educational systems of 5 English-speaking countries and 14 countries of Central Europe. Exploration of some of the major religious issues of 19 countries. Students give presentations on some distinguished religious leaders. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-18.IV.F.)

Instructor: Victoria V. Gribova


Eng-19. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. The purpose of the course is thorough study of English grammar and its patterns with oral drills and written exercises. Students develop skills in producing grammatically correct sentences both in oral and written forms. The special attention is given to differences between Russian and English grammar systems. Another important goal is to provide general knowledge on the morphological system of the English language and basic characteristics of different parts of speech. It should be noted that the emphasis is put on grammatical formal features of the English verb and usage of Tenses in the Active and Passive voice. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-19.I.F. Elementary English. Basic grammatical structures and patterns with oral drills and written exercises. A systematic introduction to grammar provides general knowledge about the morphological system of the English Language and basic characteristics and features of various parts of speech. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Eng-19.I.S. Elementary English (continued). Much attention is given to grammatical characteristics of the English verb and to the formation, meaning and usage of Tenses in the Active and Passive Voices. (136 h., test, 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-19.I.F.)

Eng-19.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. Grammar topics are: the English article, its position in a sentence and ways of translating it into Russian; Direct/Indirect Speech (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-19.I.S.)

Eng-19.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). This course stresses on the forms and types of the subjunctive mood, and the Infinitive and its constructions. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-19.II.F.)

Eng-19.III.F. Intermediate English. The course focuses on the study of the Infinitive, Participle and Gerund. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-19.II.S.)

Eng-19.III.S. Intermediate English (continued). Thorough study of English syntax. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-19.III.F.)

Instructor: Julia S. Rastvorova


Eng-20. ENGLISH PHONETICS. The aim of this course is to study the sounds and intonation of the English language. Students train their skills in English pronunciation. Special emphasis is put on rhythm. Classes are held in a lab. Complete phonetic analysis of text. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-20.I.F. Elementary English. Introduction to English pronunciation and the differences between English and Russian structures. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-20.I.S. Elementary English (continued). The course focuses on English consonants and vowels. (34 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-20.I.F.)

Eng-20.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. The course accentuates the pronunciation of sound combinations. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-20.I.S.)

Eng-20.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). The course stresses on English rhythm and intonation. (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-20.II.S.)

Instructor: Elena A. Yakovleva


Eng-21. ENGLISH CONVERSATION. The aim of the course is intensive practice in oral self-expression and comprehension. Students are taught to produce monologue and dialogue in a correct way making extensive use of active vocabulary and elements of style. The topics are versatile - ranging from the everyday to the social and political. During the course students also acquire and perfect such skills as comprehension of native speakers, reproduction of original texts which are similar to the text studied by students. Students are encouraged to use their language acquisition as well as background knowledge and intuition. Classes are based on literary and audio-visual sources of modern standard English. The course is intended for students who have some previous English language knowledge.

Eng-21.I.F. Elementary English. This course is intended for students with some previous English language experience. Conversation and writing activities based on a variety of topics. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Eng-21.I.S. Elementary English (continued). The focus is on improving comprehension and speaking skills. Special attention given to stylistic nuance and fluency of expression. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-21.I.F.)

Eng-21.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. The course concentrates on conversation tactics and vocabulary-building through class discussions. Development of critical vocabulary and special attention to writing skills. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-21.I.S.)

Eng-21.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (continued). Class time is focused on developing oral proficiency; by the end of the course, students should be able to engage in everyday conversation with native speakers. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-21.II.F.)

Instructor: Alla M. Rodimkina


Eng-22. ENGLISH MASS MEDIA. The course is aimed at teaching the students to read, understand and discuss newspaper and magazine stories published in American and British media and also to aurally understand the news broadcast by English radio and television networks. Another objective of the course is exposing the students to the political and social realities of the modern world - military conflicts in Russia and abroad, diplomatic contacts, the activity of international organizations (The UNO, Amnesty International. UNESCO). Special attention is given to media coverage of the events in Russia. Articles from the English language press together with videos and the Internet provide an up-to-date look at the contemporary economic, politic and cultural scene in English-speaking countries. The course is intended for intermediate students.

Eng-22.III.F. Intermediate English. Language lab and Internet material provide cultural information on English speaking countries. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Eng-22.III.S. Intermediate English (continued). Examines current problems in international relations. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-22.III.F.)

Eng-22.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Attention given to specialized vocabulary as well as cultural and political issues in the countries of Central Europe. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-22.III.S.)

Eng-22.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). The course focuses on problems such as identity formation, violence, gender. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-22.IV.F.)

Instructor: Sergey V. Ageev


Eng-23. BUSINESS ENGLISH. An upper intermediate language course that focuses on communication and writing skills for a business environment, relevant to conducting business in the English speaking world. Writing practice includes business correspondence and job applications. The course is intended for intermediate students.

Eng-23.III.F. Intermediate English. The aim of the term is to develop skills in related conversation and business communication (including skills of understanding and translating relevant texts). (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Eng-23.III.S. Intermediate English (continued). Group discussions on the problems of the day-to-day running of a company. (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-23.III.F.)

Eng-23.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Focuses on stressful situations, insurance issues, securities (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-23.III.S.)

Eng-23.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (continued). The aim of the term is to develop skills in business correspondence. (136 h., exam., 4 ECTS) (Prerequisite: Eng-23.IV.F.)

Instructor: Olga V. Bycheck




Courses for Students Majoring in European Studies

Reg-01. INTRODUCTION TO AREA STUDIES. This course presents a core requirement for students majoring in European Studies.

Reg-01.I.F. The following questions are considered: Area Studies as a scholarly discipline, the concept and subdisciplines of Area Studies, interdisciplinary approach to European Studies, embracing politics, economics, history, culture and religion. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Reg-01.I.S. European Studies from the point of view of international relations and national peace strategy. (Prerequisites: Reg-01.I.F.) (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Reg-02. THE HISTORY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES AND FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICS (CIS). The course divided into two parts: first part is devoted to history of Europe and the second one – the history of CIS.

Reg-02.II.F. This course introduces students to the linkages between modern Europe, its historical foundations and its various national identities. (72 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Reg-02.II.S. In the frame of this course students gain knowledge on the main historical features of countries which constituted the former Soviet Union, the factors that resulted in their incorporation in the USSR. The contemporary relations CIS with European Union and Russian Federation. (Prerequisites: Reg-02.II.F.) (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Reg-03. ECONOMICAL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. This is a survey course aimed at presenting a basis knowledge on the regions of CEEC.

Reg-03.II.F. Students get acquainted with an economic history of region (country); general characteristics of economy and its separate branches, the level of development of the national market, and also - the analysis of factors of economic dynamics and results of economic growth. (72 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Reg-03.II.S. Students gain knowledge of the following subjects: the characteristic of natural and demographic conditions of the studied region; economic - geographical division into districts of region; labor and industrial resources, types of agriculture; branch structure of an economy of the region; internal structure and foreign trade. (Prerequisites: Reg-03.II.F.) (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Reg-04. SOCIOPOLITICAL SYSTEM OF CEEC. The purpose of the course is to survey social and political systems of the countries of the investigated region. Students gain knowledge of: the basic social groups and the characteristics of their interests on social movements; characteristics of policies and branches authority, political and public organizations in the region, legal system and principles of its functioning, executive and judicial authorities issues of policy and decision making.

Reg-04.III.F. The course deals with the sociopolitical system of Central European countries. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Reg-04.III.S. The course deals with the sociopolitical system of Eastern European countries. (Prerequisites: Reg-04.III.F.) (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Reg-05. THE CULTURE, RELIGION AND LITERATURE OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. This course provides an opportunity to investigate key characteristics of Culture, Religion and Literature of CEEC. The historical background and socio-anthropological approach show the formation of different concepts of Culture, Religion and Literature in their unity. Students get to know about problems of historical typology of cultures and features of cultural development of the region; about the contribution of peoples of the region to world culture; about problems of cultural interference, synthesis of various national cultures and preservation of cultural identity.

Reg-05.III.F. This course deals with Culture, Religion and Literature of Central European countries. (72 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Reg-05.III.S. This course deals with Culture, Religion and Literature of Eastern European countries. (Prerequisites: Reg-05.III.F.) (72 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)


Reg-06. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. This course concentrates on the place and role of CEEC in the structure of international relations after the Second World War. The national specific features of foreign policy making and decision making. The process of formation doctrines in foreign affairs of CEEC.

Reg-06.III.S. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Reg-06.IV.F. (Prerequisites: Reg-06.III.S.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Reg-07. HISTORY OF THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. The survey course covers the history of international relations of European countries from XVII-th to the present time.

Reg-07.III.F. The course deals with the period from XVIII-th up to the beginning of XX-th century. (72 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Reg-07.III.S. The course deals with the period from the beginning of the XX-th century up to present. (Prerequisites: Reg-02.II.F.) (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Reg-08. THE THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. This course aimed at the consideration of basic theoretical approaches to a concept of foreign affairs: basic scholarly theories, trends, categories, methods and technique of the applied analysis and forecasting of international processes.

Reg-08.IV.F. (56 h., pass/fail, 1,5 ECTS)

Reg-08.IV.S. (Prerequisites: Reg-08.IV.F.) (56 h., pass/fail, 1,5 ECTS)


Reg-09. INTERNATIONAL LAW. This course presents an international law as a system of juridical norms.

Reg-09.III.F. Within the framework of the discipline students are acquainted with a wide range of issues, among which are: international law as a separate system of juridical norms; subjects of international law; sources of international law; the interaction of international and intranational law; fundamental reasons for international law; the law of international contracts; international organizations and conferences; responsibility in international law; naval law; ecological law; and peaceful means for the resolution of international disputes. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Reg-09.III.S. This course gives students a knowledge of: the subject and object of international private law; sources of international private law; international individual and public law; legal regulation of international property, family, labor and remedial relations of legal and physical persons; fulfillment of foreign judicial and arbitral awards; international arbitration; obligatory rights (foreign trade bargains, transportations, credit relations, the copyright). (Prerequisites: Reg-09.III.F.) (72 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)


Reg-10.II.F. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES. The course provides a knowledge on the contemporary constitutional law of different countries, classification of countries according to their social, economic and political regimes, the main trends in development of constitutional law (USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Poland, Chine, Iran, etc.). The comparative analysis of constitutional law. (76 h., pass/fail, 1,5 ECTS)


Reg-11. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. The purpose of the given course is studying the essence of the world economy, tendencies of its development with the stress on CEEC to introduce students to a basic knowledge of International Economics and Foreign Economic activity of different countries.

Reg-11.III.F. Within the framework of this discipline students learn the following themes: features of world accommodation of productive forces; the international division of labor; scientific and technical revolution and formation of the centers of economic power; features of the development of the major regional and national economic systems of the modern world; integration processes and economic associations of the states; TNK; global problems of economic development (power, raw material, food, demographic, ecological). (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Reg-11.III.S. This course gives students a basis of knowledge on: the role of the countries of the region in the system of the international division of labor; their trading and foreign financial connections; tendencies and contradictions of modern economic integration; problems of intensification of foreign trade activities. (Prerequisites: Reg-11.III.F.) (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Reg-12. THE ETHNOLOGY OF THE CEEC. The purpose of this course is to give students an idea about: fundamentals of ethnology, problems of ethno genesis of peoples and modern national ethnic structure of the region; initial forms of community, the system of relationship; national traditions, cults, ceremonies, and beliefs; influence of global social and cultural processes on the development of material and spiritual culture of the region; and also modern problems of national and ethnic relations.

Reg-12.III.F. The course deals with the ethnology of Central European countries. (72 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Reg-12.III.S. The course deals with the ethnology of Eastern European countries. (Prerequisites: Reg-12.III.F.) (72 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)


Reg-13. COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES (CIS). The aim of this course is to present the process and stages of the CIS formation. Basic documents, goals, tasks, problems and achievements are to be discussed at the classroom.

Reg -13.V.F. Different types and formats of economic, political and military cooperation within the frame of the CIS. (56 h., pass/fail, 1,5 ECTS)

Reg -13.V.S. Role of Russian Federation and Belarus in the CIS cooperation and activity. Priorities of the RF policy in relationships with other members of the CIS (56 h., pass/fail, 1.5 ECTS)



This is a survey course designed to give students clues to the origin of contemporary society. The course structure is to help understand evolution of our civilization (epochs, societies, world empires and cultural systems).

Reg-14.II.F. (72 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Reg-14.II.S. (Prerequisites: Reg-14.II.F.) (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Course provides information on multinational agreements in cooperation, basic documents covering this area of relations between countries.

Problems of political consensus on integration are to be discussed in the frame of global approach. 

REG-15.Y.F. (56 h., test, 1.5 ECTS)

                Harmonization of national and international law systems. International legal system. Principles of national sovereignty and delegating of the latter to international organizations. Interdependence  of the integration systems.

REG-15.Y.S. (56 h., exam., 1.5 ECTS)

Role of world organizations in contemporary international relations and globalization. The main types of world and international organizations, their aims, structures, areas of activities and legal status.


This course is aimed at studying the typology of conflict and specific features of conflict resolution.

                Reg-16.V.F. (56 h., test, 1.5 ECTS)

Rising of conflicts, consideration of conflict resolution, nonviolence, human rights. International diplomacy and advocacy. 

Reg-16.IV.S. (56 h., exam., 1.5 ECTS)

Post-conflict reconstruction and regional transformation. Concerns of war and peace, peacemaking policy and peace building. International and homeland security.  Defense and security policy of the RF.


The course designed for senior students and aimed to reflect an interdisciplinary approach to the concept of “National Security”.

Reg-17.IV.F. (56 h., exam., 1.5 ECTS) National interest and international security. Military and political measures to ensure national security. Organizations and treaties. Governmental and state stability.

Reg-17.IV.S. (56 h., exam., 1.5 ECTS) International cooperation in security affairs. Globalization, transnational concerns: terrorism, trade, ecological issues, energy supplies, science and technology.

Reg-18.IV.S. FOREIGN POLICY AND DIPLOMACY OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. This course content covers methodological issues of “decision making” on foreign policy. Diplomacy as a system of rules and regulations. Arts of Diplomacy. Theory and practice of diplomatic negotiations.  (20 h., exam., 1 ECTS)


Reg-19. GEOPOLITICS. This course is aimed to introduce to students the basics of modern geopolitical analysis, main features of global and regional geopolitical processes; the typology and consideration of contemporary theories and approaches to geopolitical issues.

                Reg-20.IV.F (56 h., test, 1.5 ECTS)

                Reg-20.IV.S (56 h., test, 1.5 ECTS)


Courses for Students Majoring in Economics and Finance:

Ec-01. THE ECONOMICS THEORY. After learning this course students acquire knowledge in the sphere of microeconomics and in the history of the economic thought.

Ec-01.I.F. This course includes analysis of behavior of individuals and firms in the market and models of markets with different number of buyers and sellers (114 h., exam., term paper, 3 ECTS)

Ec-01.I.S. This course is the continuation of the «Economics Theory I» course i.e. it implies knowledge of the standard microeconomics course. The course includes models of consumption, savings and investments, the IS-LM and AD-AS model, money theory, models with taxes, models with different kinds of exchange rates, the PPP model and other basic concepts and models of macroeconomics (76 h., exam., term paper, 2 ECTS)

Ec-02. THE ECONOMICS OF THE ORGANIZATIONS. The goal of this course includes the familiarization of the students with the basic principles of organizations in conditions of the market.

Ec-02.II.F. This course deals with the essence of the industrial organization, its functions, the basic parameters of an estimation of activity, the basic criteria of efficiency. Among basic topics are the structure of national economy, types of enterprises, industrial and organizational structures, capital and property, balance analysis, marketing strategies, and many other topics (114 h., exam., two term papers, 3 ECTS)

Ec-02.II.S. This course is the continuation of course “The economics of the organizations I” and is concerned with the theory of optimal output, costs of production, price policy in different markets, standards of quality and systems of quality, innovations and investments, preparing a business plan, efficiency analysis etc (76 h., exam., two term papers, 2 ECTS)

Ec-03. ACCOUNTING. The goal of this discipline consists of acquiring the general concepts and categories of the book keeping in the modern market conditions connected to introduction of book keeping in the commercial organization.

Ec-03.II.F. The primary goals of this discipline: studying of subjects and ways of conducting book keeping; formation of skills of construction of accounting records on economic operations of the organizations, development of concepts, principles and methodology of book keeping. The discipline represents methodological base for studying the analysis of financial and economic activity of the organization (114 h., exam., two term papers, 3 ECTS)

Ec-03.II.S. The goal of this course includes the familiarization of the students with functions of book keeping; non-material assets, long-term and short-term financial investments, the industrial stocks, current and long-term obligations, the capital, funds and reserves, costs of economic activities, finished goods, services and their realization, financial results and use of the profit, the contents and the order of drawing up of the financial reporting; a choice and designing of systems of the account and the control of expenses over the organizations; the account and the control of production costs and sales of production by kinds of charges, places of formation, the centers of the responsibility, marginal income; the calculation methods as bases of pricing, use of the data of the administrative account for the analysis and substantiations of decisions at different levels of management. (Prerequisite: Ec-03.II.F.) (76 h., exam., two term papers, 2 ECTS)


Ec-04.III.F. BASICS OF AUDITING.  The goal of this course consists of training the theoretical knowledge on methodology of audit and practical knowledge on technological bases of audit of the students. Students receive practical skills on carrying out of auditor checks, drawing up of the auditor conclusions and check of correctness and reliability of the auditor conclusion. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-05.II.F. STATISTICS. The purpose of this course - training of the students to generalize, analyze and see the general picture of conditions and dynamics of changes in system of interrelations in researched processes and the phenomena with the help of statistical methodology. As a result of studying the course, students will get the general bases of statistical science and the general skills of carrying out statistical analysis. (114 h., exam., 3 ECTS)

Ec-06.III.F. ECONOMETRICS. Students will study (among other topics): models of linear parametric regression, the OLS, GLS and 2SLS-estimators, checking simple and complex hypotheses, practical regression analysis using specialized computer packages and interpretation of the results, models of stationary and non-stationary time series, systems of regression equations. In the beginning of the course short reviews of prerequisite courses of linear algebra and mathematical statistics are provided. The course fully corresponds to a standard introductory econometrics course in western universities. (72 h., mid-term test, and pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Ec-07.III.S. MANAGEMENT. The goal of this course is studying and development of theoretical and methodological bases of management by social and economic processes at different levels. Studying of the course promotes the students to acquire the modern administrative thinking and skills of practical management. (54 h., exam., 1,5 ECTS)

Ec-08.II.S. THE WORLD ECONOMY. This course is devoted to studying the tendencies of development of the world economic, internationalization and globalization processes, types of reproduction of the population, use of human resources, branch structure of the world economy, economic potential and level of social and economic development, classification of the countries on level of social and economic development, a place of Russia in the world economy. (57 h., exam., 1,5 ECTS)

Ec-09.III.F. MARKETING. The purpose of this course is acquaintance of students with the main tasks of marketing and with a complex of marketing actions. As a result of studying students acquire knowledge and practical skills on classification of the markets, and on methods of distribution of goods and services. (54 h., exam., 1,5 ECTS)

Ec-10.III.S. THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS. The purpose of this course is studying tools and methods of the economic analysis, including questions of the organization, routine planning and control, an estimation of expenses and results of economic activities and competitive ability of the organization. Students receive theoretical knowledge and practical skills on work with accounting and financial documents on carrying out of the analysis of financial expenses and results of economic activities, under the analysis of commercial risk. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-11.III.F. OPTIMAL PRICE SETTING METHODS. The purpose of this discipline is to give students the knowledge and skills in price setting for production and services. During study of the discipline students receive an opportunity to be guided in such questions as: a role and a place of the price in the economy of the market, the procedure of payments and formation of the prices for production and services, marketing strategy of the prices. As a result of studying discipline students should be able to use their theoretical knowledge in practice of pricing and to perform analytical work in the field of pricing. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-12.III.S. THE FORECAST AND PLANNING IN CONDITIONS OF THE MARKET. This course is devoted to studying dynamics and forecasting of tendencies in the economy such as inflationary processes, unemployment, state policy in the field of formation of the budget, activity of the central bank. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-13.I.S. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY. Within the framework of this course students study territorial structure of the national economy and its major elements. The primary goal is the study of development of economic regions of Russia in the relation with set of political, economic, ethnic and demographic processes. The purpose of the given course is formation of representations and skills of acceptance of administrative decisions on state, regional (subjects of Russian Federation), local (subjects of local self-management) levels in view of economic, political, historical, national, ecological and other factors of regional sphere. (38 h., exam., 1 ECTS)

Ec-14.II.S. INFORMATION AND ECONOMIC SAFETY. The goal of this course is the formation of necessary set of knowledge and practical skills on questions of economic safety of the enterprise. Educational task of the course is to show the value of system of maintenance of economic safety of the enterprise within the framework of effective functioning firm; to give students the knowledge of the basic categories, methods and mechanisms of maintenance of economic safety of the enterprise; to train students in methods and working methods with the personnel, with the basic sources of the information about competitors, partners and clients. (38 h., pass/fail, 1 ECTS)

Ec-15.IV.F. THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES OF ACCOUNTING. The purpose of studying of this course is acquaintance of students with the information products used in modern accounting. Students gain skills in working with accounting programs and models of accounting in enterprises. (54 h., exam., 1,5 ECTS)

Ec-16.IV.F. THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS‘S PRACTICAL WORK. The practical work is focused on the analysis of the reporting of the organizations, the features of industrial activity reflected in the reporting, relations of the organization with other subjects of market economy. Students who have finished the course, should be able to analyze the reporting of the organizations and to reveal dynamics of changes. (54 h., pass/fail, 1,5 ECTS)

Ec-17.III.S. FINANCE-I.  Students should receive representation about system of public revenues and charges, the budget of the state, the state credit and a duty, nonbudget funds. The course consists of lectures and practical trainings with use of elements of business games. (72 h., pass/fail, 4 term papers, 2 ECTS)

Ec-17.IV.F. FINANCE-II. As a result of studying this course students will learn the basics of the financial policy, financial planning and forecasting, the financial control, financial system of the country, its sphere and parts, principles of the organization of finances of economic subjects in different fields of activity, bases of functioning of the finance of the commercial enterprises, the finance of the organizations which are carrying out noncommercial activity. The course gives the representation of the insurance as a financial category: its peculiarities, finance spheres, branches (pension, medical, etc.) and forms; influence of finance on the economy and social sphere; the role of finance in development of the international cooperation, finance and globalization of the economy, and the features of functioning of financial systems in economically advanced countries. (Prerequisite: Ec-17.III.S.) (72 h., exam., 3 term papers, 2 ECTS)

Ec-18.III.F. MONEY, CREDIT AND BANKS-I. The purpose of studying of this course is acquaintance of students with bank system, aims of the Central Bank, bases of activity of commercial banks, their role and a place in economic development of the country. Students study the bases of crediting, kinds and forms of credit and deepen knowledge under the theory of money and monetary circulation. (72 h., pass/fail, 3 term papers, 2 ECTS)


Ec-18.III.S. MONEY, CREDIT AND BANKS-II.  This course is concerned with the monetary revolution and its structure, release of money in economic circulation, the cash overturn and monetary circulation, theories of money, the reasons and essence of inflation, the form of its display, laws of inflationary process, regulation of inflation: methods, borders, contradictions, monetary systems of the separate countries, currency relations and currency systems: concepts, categories and elements, interest rate and its role, bases of formation of a level of the interest rate, borders and a source of its payment. (Prerequisite: Ec-18.III.F.) (72 h., pass/fail, 3 term papers, 2 ECTS)


Ec-19.III.F. FINANCES OF THE FIRM.  The goal of this course is to form the theoretical knowledge and practical skills on distribution and use of funds of the organization. Students receive information about the rational and effective distribution and use of the funds. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-20.IV.F. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. The purpose of studying this course is acquaintance of students with analytical tools and methods of revealing of existing connections in parameters of the operative reporting, studying of methodological approaches and applied methods of the financial reporting in the field of the analysis of structure and dynamics of property of the organization. Within the framework of the course the attention is paid to revealing of attributes of instability, bases of the administrative analysis, methods of an estimation of efficiency. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-21.III.S. TAXES AND THE TAXATION. The purpose of studying of this course is studying and development of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the taxation at organizations of any type of ownership. Students get skills in calculations of separate taxes, on drawing up of tax declarations, study normative documents under the taxation. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-22.IV.F. INSURANCE. The purpose of studying of this course is to deepen theoretical and practical preparation on questions of the organization of the insurance. Students seize knowledge in the field of normative-legal base of insurance, bases of insurance operations, the contents and value of commercial insurance, get skills of an estimation of risks, drawing up of contracts of insurance, application of insurance tariffs. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-23.III.F. THE BUDGETARY SYSTEM OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. The purpose of studying of this course is formation of the student’s representation about structure of the budget, its profitable and account part, about inappropriate means, about specificity of formation of Russian budget, its condition and prospects of change. (36 h., exam., 1 ECTS)

Ec-24.IV.S. SECURITIES MARKET. The purpose of this subject is to acquire the theoretical knowledge in the field of a securities market, including such sections as: the organization of a securities market, essence and functions of securities, methods of definition of cost of the securities and their liquidity, reliability and yield. (108 h., exam., 8 term papers, 3 ECTS)

Ec-25.IV.S. INVESTMENTS. This course provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of investments, namely: essence and purpose of investments, their classification and kinds, features of functioning, principles of regulation. (72 h., exam., 8 term papers, 2 ECTS)

Ec-26.IV.S. THE ECONOMY OF WORK AND WAGES. This course gives information about the nature of a social reality, concepts and paradigms of sociological knowledge of work and creativity, the basic stages of socio-cultural development, mechanisms and forms of social economic dynamics, social processes and the phenomena in sphere of economy, and the basic social institutions. (54 h., pass/fail, 1,5 ECTS)

Ec-27.IV.F. THEORETICAL BASES OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. The purpose of studying of this course is acquaintance of students with theoretical bases of methods of revealing the existing connections in parameters of the operative reporting and theoretical bases of applied methods of the financial reporting in the field of the analysis of structure and dynamics of property of the organization. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-28.IV.S. SHORT-TERM FINANCIAL POLICY.  The purpose of studying of this course is acquaintance of students with the basic methods of planning by the organization of the financial parameters on short-term prospect. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-29.IV.S. FOREIGN INVESTMENTS. The purpose of this discipline is to study the mechanism of receipts of foreign investments into Russia. During a rate sources of foreign investments are investigated. The important place in a rate occupies studying forms and mechanisms of factoring and leasing. Within the framework of discipline the structure of the world market of the capital is considered. The analysis of participants of the world market of the capital is supplemented with accentuation of attention on the purpose pursued by foreign investors. (90 h., exam., 2,5 ECTS)


Ec-30.IV.S. MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL RISKS. The purpose of this course is to form knowledge in the field of an estimation of financial risks of the enterprise and acceptance of optimum decisions at presence of financial risks. (108 h., exam., 8 term papers, 3 ECTS)

Ec-31.V.F. THE FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE AND ENTERPRISE RISKS. The purpose of this course consists in forming theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of analysis of the organization, planning and regulation, and study of xenogenetic and autogenous variables describing financial streams at a microlevel and optimization of intrafirm costs with the purpose of minimization of enterprise risks. (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-32.V.F. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION OF THE ENTERPRISE. The purpose of this course is acquaintance of students with methodological bases of the financial administration of the enterprise. In the course the concept of the enterprise in conditions of market economy, financial management in activity of the enterprise, a complex of tasks on alternative management for achievement of the maximal profit is considered. The basic place occupies the theoretical course showing the connection of production, sold on the market with relevant borders of activity of the enterprise. (96 h., pass/fail, 2,5 ECTS)

Ec-33.V.F. STRATEGIC PLANNING. The purpose of this course - acquaintance of students with the general methodical approaches of adjustment of managing systems to the future conjuncture of factors of the environment. Within the framework of discipline there is also a training of practical skills in the choice of concrete approaches in formation of behavior strategy in conditions of high uncertainty of the environment. (64 h., pass/fail, 1,5 ECTS)

Ec-34.V.F. FINANCIAL SAFETY. As a result of studying this discipline students will know the basic economic and legal concepts of financial safety, concrete forms of display of threats of financial safety, ways of counteraction to threats of safety to financial - credit sphere, the basic ways of maintenance of financial safety. The students will be able to use economic information at revealing, to disclose and the prevention of crimes and administrative offences in the sphere of credit relations, and maintenance of financial safety of the enterprise. (96 h., pass/fail, 2,5 ECTS)

Courses for Students Majoring in Public Relations and Communication Techniques:

Ec-35.III.F. ECONOMICS. As a result of studying of this course students have to understand bases of the economic theory, the basic mechanisms of a financial, credit-and-monetary, fiscal, investment policy; to be able to understand economic events in the country and abroad. (38 h., exam., 1 ECTS)

Ec.36.IV.F.  MODERN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. The purpose of this course is studying the essence of the world economy, international trade and the foreign trade policy from the point of view of world experience, features of Russian Economy, integration processes in the economy, problems of investment in Russian economy, the international economic organizations. (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-37.III.F. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND FOREIGN TRADE ACTIVITIES. The national economy is integrated with the world economy. Therefore the purpose of the given course is the studying the essence of the world economy, tendencies of its development, a place of Russia in the world economy. As a result of studying the course students should receive knowledge about world economics connections, natural and manpower of the world economy, its branch structure, classification of the countries on a level of social and economic development. (68 h., final exam., 2 ECTS)

Ec-38. BASES OF STATISTICS AND ACCOUNTING. The purpose of studying of this course is acquaintance of students with methods of mass phenomena research, doing surveys, processing data and accounting.

Ec-38.II.S. Students receive knowledge and practical skills on carrying out statistical supervision, on representation as reports, groupings, tables, various statistics. Within the framework of the given course students also study to develop the budget on organizing of the PR-event. (38 h., pass/fail, 1 ECTS)

Ec-39.III.F. Students receive knowledge and practical skills on carrying out statistical surveys, tables, graphs, histograms and calculate various descriptive statistics. (Prerequisite: Ec-39.II.S.) (38 h., exam., 1 ECTS)

Ec-40.IV.S. MARKETING. The purpose of this course is acquaintance of students with the main tasks of marketing and with a complex of marketing actions. As a result of studying students acquire knowledge and practical skills on classification of the markets, on methods of distribution of goods and services. (30 h., pass/fail, 1 ECTS)

Ec-41.IV.F. MODERN MANAGEMENT. The goal of this course is studying the theoretical and methodological bases of management. Studying of the course promotes the formation of modern administrative thinking, and skills of practical management. (38 h., exam., 1 ECTS)




Core Courses:

Hm-01.II.  PHILOSOPHY. This course comprises basic information on existing philosophical doctrines, the analysis of various philosophical systems from classic to modern period, and offers possible (often specific) decisions to philosophical problems, which modern sciences encounter. The objective of this course is to form a so-called philosophy culture, and to offer methodological training of students majoring in the Humanities.

Hm-01.II.F. The course comprises basic information on existing philosophical doctrines. (76 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Hm-01.II.S. In the course is considered the major philosophical categories. (Prerequisites: Hm-01.II.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Hm-02.I.  HISTORY OF RUSSIA. This course comprises a diverse array of systematized facts on Russian history, which is tightly integrated into world history. The course promotes better understanding of current political processes at home and abroad. It also helps one to smoothly integrate into the life of the society. History of Russia is studied in comparison with world history with the emphasis on basic peculiarities and distinctive features of Russian and other civilizations.

Hm-02.I.F. The course comprises a history of Russia from ancient times up to the end of the XIXth century. (38 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Hm-02.I.S. The course comprises a history of Russia from the end of the XIXth century up to the end of the XXth century (Prerequisites: Hm-02.I.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Hm-03.I.  CIVILIZATION. SURVEY COURSE. Being a major element of the “culture studies circle”, this course integrates both lectures in World Art and Religion Studies (with the culture-based approach to world confessions). The course is basically targeted at forming profound and background knowledge on cross-cultural relations, which might help solve an array of social, political and psychological problems rooted in intercultural contacts.

Hm-03.I.F. The course includes studying of the theory of culture, history of cultural studies, history of archaic culture. (38 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Hm-03.I.S. The course includes studying of the typology of cultures both Russian and foreign. (76 h., 2 ECTS)


Courses for Students Majoring in Linguistics and Linguistic Arts:

Hm-04.I.  HISTORY OF WORLD LITERATURE. Presents the interpretation of the world literature seen in the context of the theory and history of culture. The course is based on the diachronic approach and focuses on Ancient Oriental, Classic and European cultural contexts. The basic trends in the development of XXth century literature are of special interest. This course integrates both History of Russian Literature and History of Foreign Literature studies.

Hm-04.I.F. The course comprises a history of Western European literature from ancient times to the beginning of the XIXth century. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Hm-04.I.S. The course comprises a history of Russian literature from the most ancient times up to the second half of the ХIХth century. (Prerequisites: Hm-04.I.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Hm-04.II.F. The course comprises a history of the Western European literature from the beginning the XIXth up to the end of the XXth century (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Hm-04.II.S. The course comprises a history of the Russian literature from the end XIX up to the end of XX century. (Prerequisites: Hm-04.II.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Courses for Students Majoring in Public Relations and Communication:

Hm-05.I.  HISTORY OF WORLD LITERATURE AND ARTS. Presents the interpretation of the world literature and arts seen in the context of the theory and history of culture. The course is based on the diachronic approach and focuses on Ancient Oriental, Classic and European cultural contexts. The basic trends in the development of XXth century literature and arts are of special interest. This course integrates both History of Russian Literature and Arts and History of Foreign Literature and Arts studies.

Hm-05.I.F. The course comprises a history of Western European literature and arts from ancient times to the beginning of the XIXth century. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Hm-05.I.S. The course comprises a history of Russian literature and arts from ancient times to second half of the ХIХth century. (Prerequisites: Hm-05.I.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Hm-05.II.F. The course comprises a history of Western European literature and arts from the beginning the XIXth up to the end of the XXth century (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Hm-05.II.S. The course comprises a history of Russian literature and arts from the end the XIXth up to the end of the XXth century. (Prerequisites: Hm-05.II.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Hm-06.II. ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND CULTURES. This course is aimed at making students familiar with the main traits classic cultures and languages have. Latin is taken as an illustrative classic language to study. Students become aware of the spatial and temporal background of ancient languages and cultures, the classification of languages, and some lexical parallels, which could be drawn between Latin and so-called new European languages (French, Spanish, German and English).

Hm-06.II.F. The course comprises both description of spatial and temporal background of ancient languages and cultures and Latin Phonetics and Grammar (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Hm-06.II.S. The course comprises classification of languages, some basic information on the culture of Ancient Greece and Rome, and Latin Grammar. (Prerequisites: Hm-06.II.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Hm-07*.I.  HISTORY OF ST.PETERSBURG. The primary goal of this course is to familiarize students with the city, which can be considered as one of the most beautiful places in the world. This course provides students with extra information on the birth and development of Saint Petersburg as a cultural and political center of Russia and as a city which achievements could be praised worldwide. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)


Hm-08.I.  HISTORY, CULTURE AND AREA STUDIES (USA, CANADA, GREAT BRITAIN). The mission of this course is to illustrate possible ways of achieving mutual understanding and respect between the representatives of various nations. This course includes some basic information on the history and political/economical development of Great Britain, Canada and the USA. A special accent is made on studying cultures and traditions of these countries, to promote better understanding of the mentality and cultural peculiarities for non-native speakers.

Hm-08.I.F. The course includes some basic information on the history and political/economical development of Great Britain. (76 ч., test, 2 ECTS)

Hm-08.I.S. The course comprises some basic information on the history and political/economical development of Canada and the USA. (Prerequisites: Hm-08.I.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Hm-09.IV-V. HISTORY OF LITERATURE. SURVEY COURSE (USA, CANADA, GREAT BRITAIN). This course includes basic information on the literature of Great Britain, Canada and the USA.

Hm-09.IV.S. The course comprises basic information on the literature of Great Britain, (60 h., test, 1,5 ECTS)

Hm-09.V.F. The course comprises basic information on the literature of Canada and the USA. (60 h., exam., 1,5 ECTS)


Hm-10.II.S. INTRODUCTION IN THE THEORY OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS. The aim of the course is consideration of the questions on culture and communications. The course reveals technologies of intercultural communications in the past and the present. The special attention is given to language and intercultural communications. Linguistic methods of studying of cross-cultural interactions are used. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)


Core Courses:

Hm-11.III.F. SOCIOLOGY. The course comprises sociological theory; basic social institutions, their functioning and problems of development. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Hm-12.I.F. LAW STUDIES. This course is based on the idea that the development of the present state law system is closely associated with the priority of human rights, market economy, and democratic institutions. The principle aim of the course is to make a student understand/learn some basic concepts, terminology and categories, law and justice manipulate which might lead to applying such knowledge to the events and processes seen in everyday life. This goal is achieved through a detailed study of the Human Rights Bill, The Constitution of the Russian Federation, The Labor Codex, The Civil Rights Codex, etc. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)


Hm-13.II.S. POLITICAL SCIENCE STUDIES. Political Science is one of the basic social disciplines in Russia. It is presumed that before studying Political Science, students became proficient in Philosophy, Culture Studies, Economics and Law. Political Science course is devoted to characteristics of contemporary Politics and Policy. The goals of this course are the following: to analyze causes and effects of political events using theoretical methods and models, to gain experience of political phenomenon`s classification, and to rate efficacy and expediency of politics. Students will analyze on seminars examples from mostly Russian politics. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Hm-14.IV. LOGIC AND THEORY OF ARGUMENTATION. The course comprises the theory and practice of logic. The course teaches students to give reason for the statements. During seminars students analyze a lot of logic tasks. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Hm-15.III.F. CONCEPTIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. The course presents a “map” of links between various social and economic issues. The course covers problems of social and economic development of society; global environmental and ecological problems; demography; functioning of ecosystems; food safety, and urbanization. The business game  “Stratagema – 1” is used for the course.

(76 h., test, 2 ECTS)


Hm-16.III.F. SOCIOLOGY OF MASS MOVEMENTS. The course surveys social and political system of RF and Western European Counries. Students gain knowledge of: the basic social groups and the characteristics of their interests on social movements; characteristics of policies and branches authority, political and public organizations in the region, legal system and principles of its functioning, executive and judicial authorities issues of policy and decision making.

 (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)


Hm-17.I. PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION. The role of the discipline is to form the base of psychological and pedagogical knowledge. The aim of studying of the course is to introduce students to the primary goals of the practical psychologist working with people, to form the theoretical base for getting psychological knowledge, skill of the analysis of teaching and educational situations, decisions of pedagogical problems.

Hm-17.I.F. Education. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Hm-17.I.S. Psychology. (Prerequisites: Hm-17.I.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)


Hm-18.II. INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS. The course devoted to consideration of personal interaction. Different aspects of social and personality psychology are covered. The attention is paid to the impact of personality on the structure of society as well as the impact of societal variables on the person.. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)


Hm-19.IV. RELIGIOUS STUDIES. This course provides an opportunity to investigate key characteristics of world religions and confessions. The historical background and socio-anthropological approach show the formation of religion concepts, the linkage between culture and religion.

Hm-19.IV.F. Analysis of systems of world religions. Workshops on: “Dual religions. An Islam. The Buddhism. (60 h., test, 1,5 ECTS)

Hm-19.IV.S. History of the Bible, Christian doctrine. (Prerequisite: Hm-17.IV.F.) (60 h., test, 1,5 ECTS)

Hm-20.IV. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. The course covers the general theory of social psychology and its methods, the significant attention is given to such sections of discipline as: socialization, a person in the social world and psychology of group. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)


Hm-21.III. CONFLICTOLOGY. The course includes studying the general theory of the conflict, techniques of its prevention and regulation. Studying of the course will help students to solve problems of breaches of communication.

Hm-21.III.S. The lecture material on the general questions of the theory of occurrence and overcoming of conflicts. (60 ч., test, 1,5 ECTS)

Hm-21.III.F. The lecture material on narrow problems of interaction in collective and small group. (60 ч., exam., 1,5 ECTS)




Core Courses

Inf-01. MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. The purpose of this course is to give students knowledge in mathematics and information technologies, which can help them to analyze structure and laws of information processes in automatic systems, to instill skills of using computer technology, telecommunication devices, information-machines, improving interface skills, and also to develop students’ logical and algorithmic thinking.

Inf-01.I.F. Students will learn about technical means of information processes and skills of using Windows operating system, how to use archiving and anti-virus programs, and how to arrange documents in MS-Word. (76 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Inf-01.I.S. Students gain skills on how to make table documents, and solve problems using MS-Excel. (76 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Inf-01.II.F. Students acquire basic methods of making statistic calculations, learn methods of using graphical computer systems in advertisements and graphical databases, as well as using a graphic editor to analyze graphical data. (76 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Courses for Students Majoring in Economics and Finance:

Inf-02. INFORMATION SCIENCE. The purpose of this course is: to give students knowledge in information technologies, which can help them to analyze structures and laws of information processes in automatic systems; to instill skills of using computer technology, telecommunication devices, information machines, as well as improving interface skills; to develop students’ logical and algorithmic thinking.

Inf-02.I.F. Students will learn about technical means of information processes and skills of using Windows’98 operating system, how to use archiving and anti-virus programs, and how to arrange documents in MS-Word. (76 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Inf-02.I.S. Students will learn skills on how to make table documents, to solve tasks using MS-Excel, and also get to know modern technologies of using and correcting databases. (152 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Core Courses:

Inf-03.III.S. INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES. This course contains organizational principles of the WWW (World Wide Web) and gives training how to use organizational principles of e-mail and the file exchange program, and search engines in the Internet. Students learn to construct Web pages, get skills of working with Internet mail programs as well as a file transfer program. (60 h., pass/fail, 1,5 ECTS)

Inf-04.II.S. THE CONCEPTS OF THE CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE. The purpose of this course is developing students’ integral world outlook, including knowledge in the arts and sciences that are very important elements of contemporary culture. The course contains such curricula as history of science, analysis of scientific methods of world cognition methods and models of science knowledge. The course uses both achievements of technical and natural sciences as well as modern thesis of theoretical knowledge in nonhumanities. (76 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Courses for Students Majoring in Linguistics and Linguistic Arts:

*Inf-05.III.F. ELECTRONIC TRANSLATION SYSTEMS. The purpose of this course is to give students knowledge and skills of using electronic translation systems. Students will learn how to operate, exploit, and regulate electronic translation systems. They will also acquire practical skills of using PROMT program. (76 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)

Course for Students Majoring in Public Relations and Communication Techniques:

*Inf-06.III.S. COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES IN EDITORIAL AND PUBLISHING ACTIVITY. The course aims to give students knowledge and skills of using automated publishing systems. Students will learn about technology of edition preparation, they will learn how to use desk automated systems of computer make-up, and also acquire practical skills of using Adobe Page Maker. (76 h., pass/fail, 2 ECTS)




Courses for Students Majoring in Linguistics and Linguistic Arts:

Ling-01. GENERAL THEORY OF TRANSLATION. The aim of this course is to introduce students to the main issues of translation. The course is intended for intermediate students.

Ling-01.III.F. Intermediate English. This course is devoted to history of translation. It presents types of translation, social and psychological aspects of translation, together with legal issues. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-01.III.S. Intermediate English (Continued). This course deals with models, samples, and techniques of translation. (Prerequisite: Ling-01.III). (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Tamara A. Kazakova


Ling-02. THEORY OF TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH INTO RUSSIAN. This discipline introduces students to the main problems of translation. It also deals with the most essential points in the history of translation and its role. The course is intended for intermediate students.

Ling-02.III.S. Intermediate English (Continued). This course is aimed to show connection theory of translation with other aspects of Linguistics such as: general linguistics, theoretical grammar, lexicology, stylistics, text linguistics, social and psychological linguistics, and so on. It also emphasizes its relation to psychology, history of culture, literature, etc. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-02.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Theoretical translation deals with the different models of translation, types of translation and centers round the principles on interrelation of theory and practice of translation, introducing the students to the main difficulties of translation from English into Russian. (Prerequisite: Ling-02.III.S.) (76h., exam., course paper, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Ksenia A. Guzeeva


Ling-03. THE PRACTICE OF TRANSLATION. This practical course of written translation is based on the theoretical approach reviewed in the lectures and aims at developing translation skills and making the students acquire translation habits. It includes translation of texts and a wide range of translation assignments on different problems. The course is intended for intermediate students.

Ling-03.III.F. Intermediate English. Written translation – morphological problems of translation. Introduction to oral translation. (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Ling-03.III.S. Intermediate English. Written translation – morphological and syntactical problems of translation. Introduction into oral translation. (Prerequisite: Ling-03.III.F.) (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Ling-03.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Written translation – vocabulary problems of translation. Oral translation – consecutive translation; taking notes in oral consecutive translation. (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Ling-03.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English. Written translation – vocabulary problems of translation. Oral translation – consecutive translation; taking notes in oral consecutive translation. (Prerequisite: Ling-03.IV.F.) (120 h., exam., 3 ECTS)

Ling-03.V.F. Advanced English. Written translation from Russian into English. Oral translation – consecutive translation; conference interpreting; elements of simultaneous translation. (180 h., test, 5 ECTS)

Ling-03.V.S. Advanced English. Written translation from Russian into English. Oral translation – consecutive translation; conference interpreting; elements of simultaneous translation. (Prerequisite: Ling-03.V.F.) (144 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Lecturers: Ksenia A. Guzeeva, Elmira I. Suleymanova, Igor K. Arhipov, Margarita K. Kabakchy, Tatiana E. Salye, Anna A. Logosha.


Ling-04.V.F. BUSINESS TRANSLATION. This course aims at providing the students with necessary business translation skills and techniques to ensure their successful integration into the market. The discipline deals with the translation of a wide range of various business papers. The course is intended for advanced students. (60 h., test, 1 ECTS)

Lecturer: Eleonora P. Gergel


Ling-05. INTRODUCTION INTO POETIC TRANSLATION. This course provides basic ideas on fundamental principles of translating. Prose, poetry, drama and folklore in theory and practice of translation. The discipline covers difficulties in translation of English literature into Russian and Russian literature into English. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students.

                Ling-05.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Lectures. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-05.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (Continued). Workshops and seminar. (Prerequisite: Ling-05.IV.F.) (60 h., test, 1 ECTS)

Lecturers: Tamara A. Kazakova, Vladimir A. Kvyatkovskiy


Ling-06. STYLISTICS OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH CULTURE. This course deals with a stylistic variety of the Russian language in regard to different communications. The issues covered in the course facilitate students` mastering of such skills as text interpretation, text creation, and effective communication.

Ling-06.I.F. This course deals with the functional styles of Standard Russian. Stylistic varieties of the language and the differences between its spoken and written forms are considered. Techniques of textual analysis are presented including stylistic and functional interpretation. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-06.I.S. This course is dedicated to lexical stylistics. Words are analyzed within the framework of systems relations (synonymous, antonymous, polysemantic, paronymic, etc.). Homonyms and paronomasia which tend to hinder speech comprehension are considered. Also considered are stylistic diversity of lexis and patterns of lexical usage in various spheres of communication. Word is treated both in nominative and aesthetic functions. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-06.II.F. This course is dedicated to grammatical stylistics, which comprises parts-of-speech and syntax stylistics. The stylistic approach to parts of speech concentrates on their usage in various styles and functional types of communication, on semantic analysis of variant forms of parts of speech and their functioning in the texts of different types and orientation. The crucial aspect of the syntax stylistics is the stylistic appreciation of syntax devices of the language, which allows their functional style assignment and expressive capabilities to be determined. The main points are structural types of sentence, parallel syntactic constructions, and ways of utterance actualization. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturers: Larisa V. Belyaeva, Tatiana V. Zharkova


Ling-07. INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL LINGUISTICS. This course is to present the main issues of Linguistics and the place of Linguistics in the general theory of communication. It covers both conventional and non-conformist approaches to language and is to encourage students to develop their own way of abstract thinking. Students will have an opportunity to acquire a vision of the basic problems and issues of general Linguistics, the role of language as a means of intercourse, and features of verbal communication. The course familiarizes students with language classifications and typologies and topical issues of general Linguistics, its goals, methods, and techniques.

Ling-07.I.F. This course covers the following topics: language as a system of signs (semiotics); origins of language; language change and development; Linguistics units and levels of language. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-07.I.S. Phonetics, grammar, and lexicology as parts of Linguistics. Le language, la parle, la langue. Principles of language classification. Abstracts from history of writing. (Prerequisite: Ling-07.I.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturers: Marina I. Dibrova, Dina G. Ischuck


Ling-08.IV.S. GENERAL LINGUISTICS. This theoretical course is presented after most Linguistic disciplines have been studied and is intended to give a perspective to the material studied earlier. The course focuses on such topics as functional semantics, language universals, sociolinguistics, language interference and language policy. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturers: Tatiana E. Salye, Dina G. Ischuck


Ling-09. ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY. This course deals with: English lexicon as a structure; regional, social, communicative and pragmatic aspects of English vocabulary; lexical semantics; morphology and word-formation; phraseology; lexicography.

The role of human factor and cognitive approach form the groundwork to all discussions. Main emphasis is placed on the problems of semantics, and prototype in particular. One of the goals is to integrate West-European, American and Russian approaches to lexical studies. The course is intended for intermediate students.

Ling-09.III.F. Intermediate English. Lectures. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-09.III.S. Intermediate English (Continued). Workshops and seminar. (Prerequisite: Ling-09.III.F.) (76 h., exam., course paper, 2 ECTS)

Lecturers: Igor K. Arhipov, Evgeny A. Pushkaryov


Ling-10. THEORETICAL GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH. This course aims at providing the student with a profound understanding of the grammatical structure of English. It is meant as an outline of the major problems of both the morphological and the syntactic domain of the language. Among our priorities in addressing morphological material are grammatical means that account for English as a typical analytical language. In addressing problems of syntax we highlight the interaction between syntax and semantics, acting on the assumption that the syntactic level is a formal one, reflecting the propositional content as well as the communicative structure of the situation the sentence represents. The course is intended for intermediate students.

Ling-10.III.F. Intermediate English. Lectures. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-10.III.S. Intermediate English (Continued). Workshops and seminar. (Prerequisite: Ling-10.III.F.) (76 h., exam., course paper, 2 ECTS)

Lecturers: Svetlana V. Kiselyova, Elmira I. Suleimanova


Ling-11. STYLISTICS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. This course overviews of the existing standpoints concerning problems of style and stylistics. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students.

Ling-11.IV.F. Upper-intermediate English. Functional styles of the English language along with their aims, structure, characteristic features and the effect they produce as well as their interrelation with each other are carefully studied. An outline of the development of the English literary language and functional styles is also given. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-11.IV.S. Upper-intermediate English (Continued). Special attention is paid to phonetics, lexical and syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices. The study discloses their Linguistic properties and nature as well as the functioning of their laws. (Prerequisite: Ling-11.IV.F.) (68 h., exam., course paper, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Julia P. Vyshenskaya


Ling-12. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. This course deals with the development of vocabulary, the sound system, morphology, syntax and fundamentals of discourse. The discussions include references to the Indo-European and Germanic origins of the English language. The course profiles also the political, social and cultural factors of English Society, associated with the life of the language. The course is intended for pre-intermediate students.

Ling-12.II.F. Pre-intermediate English. Lectures. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-12.II.S. Pre-intermediate English (Continued). Workshops and seminar. (Prerequisite: Ling-12.II.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Alla G. Gurochkina, Anna N. Mizonova


Ling-13.IV.F. TEXT LINGUISTICS. This theoretical course, presented during the 4th year of studying, is aimed at exposing students to the main principles of text organization. It is devoted to such topics as text pragmatics, cohesion, text structure and the ways of packing the text message. Special attention is paid to scientific texts. Besides purely theoretical value, the course is intended to help the students write their diploma papers. The course is intended for upper-intermediate students. (114 h., test, 3 ECTS)

Lecturer: Tatiana E. Salye


Ling-14.V.S. TEXT INTERPRETATION. This course introduces students to the main issues of text interpretation, literary analysis, structural poetics, and speech acts theory. It also aims at teaching the students to implement methods and techniques of text analysis and interpretation, which have been developed in the closely-related sciences. (60 h., test, 1 ECTS)

Lecturer: Julia M. Valieva


Ling-15.IV.F. HISTORY OF LINGUISTICS. This course presents a basic description of Linguistic science development within the framework of antiquity and nowadays. The course analyses major trends, Linguistic schools and distinguished scientists who have made a valuable contribution to the formation of modern Linguistics. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Dina G. Ischuck


Ling-16.V.S. COMMUNICATION. This course deals with verbal and non-verbal communication. In particular, its purpose is to discuss such important concept as: pragmatics and communicative situation, simple and complex, direct and indirect speech acts, communicative act pattern, motivation in verbal and non-verbal communication, Linguistic context (general discursive, cultural and deistic), maxims and strategies of successful communication. Particular emphasis is placed on the structure and communication-oriented characteristics of the speaker, his/her intentions, communication strategies (semantic, pragmatic and rhetoric), speech manipulation techniques (linguistic, logical, referential and topic-related, etc.) and mechanisms of symbolizing and decoding. (60 h., test, 1 ECTS)

Lecturer: Alla G. Gurochkina


Ling-17.IV.S. LANGUAGE AND SOCIO-CULTURAL CONTEXT. This discipline aims at addressing various issues connected with relations of language and non-linguistic phenomena. The course covers the following issues: relationships between language and cultural models, worldview, language planning policies of different politically active groups, and the political correctness movement in particular. It also deals with linguistic politeness interpreted as a means of strategic conflict avoidance. (60 h., test, 1 ECTS)

Lecturer: Tatiana S. Sadova, Julia N. Sivakova


Ling-18.V.F. COGNITIVE LEXICOLOGY. This course presents a wide range of problems of lexical and grammatical semantics from the standpoint of speaker/hearer relationship. Basic aspects of semiotics and sense development are reviewed vis-à-vis space-related and on-line constraints involved in the function of language. (60 h., test, 1 ECTS)


Ling-19.V.F. THE CATEGORY OF DEFINITENESS. Both a theoretical (Guillome – Christophersen – Hewson) and practical course which deals with two basic rules governing the use and omission of English articles. A supplement of assignments is provided with keys. The course is intended for advanced students. (60 h., test, 1 ECTS)

Lecturer: Igor K. Arhipov


Ling-20.III.S. ENGLISH PHONETICS. A THEORETICAL COURSE. The purpose of this discipline is to describe the system of phonemes and their use in the process of social communication. Also, this course provides an overview of the main trends in phoneme theory and methods of psychological analysis. Special attention has been given to the system of English phonemes, sound alternations, accentual structure of English words and information. Along with the analyses of received pronunciation the changes in the standard and territorial varieties of English pronunciation are presented. The course is intended for intermediate students. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Vladimir A. Kvyatkovskiy


Courses for Students Majoring in Public Relations and Communication Techniques:


Ling-21. RHETORIC AND BASICS OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. This course aims to teach students the theory and practice of public speaking. Students should learn how to persuade and prove with arguments using rules of logic in oral speech, richness and expressive means of the Russian language.

Ling-21.I.F. Lectures and trainings. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-21.I.S. Workshops. (Prerequisite: Ling-21.I.F.) (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Lecturers: Dina G. Ischuck, Tatiana V. Zharkova


Ling-22. THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH CULTURE. This course views the language as the main human communicative system. Among the issues covered are various norms of the Russian literary language. The course also aims at mastering students` communicative competence and speech culture.

                Ling-22.I.F. Lectures. (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Ling-22.I.S. Workshops and seminar. (Prerequisite: Ling-22.I.F.) (152 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Lecturer: Julia N. Sivakova, Tatiana V. Zharkova


Ling-23. STYLISTICS AND LITERARY EDITING. The purpose of this course is to introduce students into Russian stylistics and to present the main trends and approaches of literary editing problems.

Ling-23.II.F. This course introduces the students to the system of functional styles of the Russian language. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-23.II.S. The stylistic potential of the lexical and phraseological means. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-23.III.F. The stylistic potential of the morphological and syntactical language means. Stylistic tropes and their role in text building. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Ling-23.III.S. Text as a subject of the literary editing is brought into the focus of the course. (60 h., exam., 1 ECTS)

Lecturer: Larisa V. Belyaeva, Tatiana V. Zharkova


Courses for Students Majoring in Economics:

Ling-24. THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH CULTURE. This course views the language as the main human communicative system. Among the issues covered are various norms of the Russian literary language. The course also aims at mastering students` communicative competence and speech culture.

                Ling-24.I.F. Lectures. (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Ling-24.I.S. Workshops and seminar. (Prerequisite: Ling-24.I.F.) (152 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Lecturer: Julia N. Sivakova




PR-01*.V.F. PUBLIC RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION IN CRISIS. This subject focuses on the acquisition of practical skills in planning and acting in times of crisis. This course is supplemented with workshops, which are devoted to communication and the management of information in a crisis. The subject-matter will be determined by the students after the consultation with an adviser. This subject is usually connected with thesis writing. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Irina E. Goncharova.

PR-02.V.F. ORGANIZATION AND CONDUCTING OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNING. The main purpose of this course is an analysis of public relations and communication campaign stages which include analysis, planning, achievement, and evaluation. This course familiarizes students with different types and models of PR-campaigns. The structure of the course includes the following: 1) concepts of PR-campaigns (definition, difference from the procedure PR-activity, PR-programs and PR-actions, types and kinds of PR-campaigns); 2) analytical stages (phase of definition of a problem/opportunity phased research, situations of the analysis, creation of model PR- campaign); 3) planning (definition of the purposes, strategic planning, tactical plans, general plan of PR-campaign); 4) realizations (work with special groups of the public, concurrent informing during the PR-campaign, realization of special events); 5) evaluation of efficiency (requirement and general characteristics, basic models). (76 h., exam, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Dmitry P. Shishkin.

PR-03.IV.S. MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNICATION. This course is devoted to the conceptual bases of management of communication. Students become knowledgeable about the uses of communication, strategy and planning. Students also study how to manage personnel in commercial and state organizations. (60 h., exam., course paper, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Irina E. Goncharova.

PR-04.IV.F. FUNDAMENTALS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION IN NGO. This course covers the following topics: specific characteristics of NGO, development of strategy of communication for NGO, preparation of applications to foundations and communication with partners, sponsors, and volunteers. Within the framework of the course, students study the topic "The Social Responsibility of Business" which was developed by Sergey Turkin ("Social Investment" Agency, Moscow). The students learn how to plan partnership of nonprofit and commercial organizations on a mutually advantageous basis and receive an opportunity for PR-campaigns of business in local community. At the end of the semester, students make a presentation NGO. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Alexander S. Karpov.


During this course students become familiar with various types of communication campaigns and projects. They write letters and other texts for communication. Students become proficient in negotiation and the positioning of goods, organizations, and people. They receive an opportunity for practical development of various circuits of organization and realization of PR-campaigns and projects. One of the goals of this course is the development of strategy, style, and image of a particular company. The students also write a scenario pertaining to the primary aims of the course.

PR-05.III.F. The first part of this course examines modern trends in PR activity, the formatting of public opinion and influences on it, and also concepts of style, image, brand, and trademark. The questions of formal and informal regulation of activity are analyzed in the field of public relations. Procedure control pertains to knowledge and discussion about practical tasks. The midterm control will include thematic monitoring mass media of 5 sources. (76 h., exam, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Inna G. Sosnova.

PR-05.III.S. In the second part of this course, the professional toolkit of PR, including work with mass media, researches, and other tools are studied in detail. Questions of strategy and tactics of PR, positioning of firms, and scheduling are also examined. In general, in this course the materials on the international and national professional associations, awards, publications in the PR area are offered to students which will allow them in the future to orient themselves in a professional field. The procedure control checks and discusses of completing practical tasks. The midterm control is a thematic monitoring of mass media of 5 sources (Prerequisites: PR-05.III.F.) (76 h., exam., course paper, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Inna G. Sosnova.

PR-06.IV.F. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. This course focuses on the specifics of organization and informing citizens regarding public participation and acceptance of ecologically and socially important issues. The subject of study is the theory and practice of organizing public involvement, Russian and international legislation regulating the rights of the citizens access to information, and also the role of public relations in mechanisms of ecological regulations. The level of study is based on the analysis of international practical experience in both adaptation of modern ideas and development for Russian social identity. As a result, students are able to organize public participation on a local level. The procedure control is carried out in the form of written reports (independent work), reporting on measures, control it’s fine, and tests. (60 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Alexander S. Karpov.

PR-07*.V.F. MODERN PRESS-SERVICE. The purpose of this course is to achieve a competence for work in press-services in different spheres: administrative, commercial, political, cultural, international, etc.; to develop steady representations about ethical categories and norms of the functioning of press-services; and to develop students` skills of positioning and work with the image of a press-secretary. The procedure control is done in the form of discussion of the practical tasks: the list of the journalists, summary, biography, press release, reference, group presentation of the project including a press conference. The midterm control is a presentation of the project with the submitted budget and an estimation of by the plan including a press conference or a briefing within 1 hour. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Inna G. Sosnova.

PR-08.V.F. CONSULTING IN COMMUNICATION. The purpose of this course is to give the student theoretical knowledge and practical skills allowing him to take the role of an adviser in the sphere of public relations, communication, and to cooperate with experts. The procedure control includes control questions at lectures, seminars, and in practical classes. The midterm control is an analyzation of the students performance of practical tasks. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Anna S. Gorokhova.

PR-10.IV.S. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONING OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES DEPARTMENT. The purpose of this course is the development of material under the common specific characteristics and requirements referring to the organization of communications. In this course, the general principles of management of PR-activity in organizations, problems of interaction of PR-structures with other divisions, the law of the initial stage creation of a PR-service, and its further functions are examined. Features and characteristics of the organization of PR-structures in various spheres of economic and public activity are further analyzed by a stock exchange, policy and politic discussions, socio-cultural topics, and state management. As a result, students will use all theoretical knowledge. The procedure and midterm control will include spelling of control works, assessment of works at seminars, and control of work with literature. (60 h., exam., course paper, 2 ECTS).

Lecturer: Dmitry P. Shishkin.


PR-11.IV.F. In the first part of this course, students become familiar with social-oriented methods. For example, data analyses, interviewing people, etc. Each student will create a new research program and then conduct her/his own research. (76 h., research project, test, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Julia Ju. Murashova.

PR-11.IV.S. The basic task of this course is to teach students to apply quantitative methods to course and degree papers. In the first part of the course "Methods of Research in PR", students are recommended to collect empirical data for course work or their degree project.

The second part of the course includes the study of techniques of analysis and the quantitative characteristics of structure of a community, activity of people, mutual relations of individuals with the state and organizations, basic laws in behavior of people, and in distribution of the materials between them. The knowledge of methods of research will allow the students to characterize structure and dynamics of socio-economic processes, to estimate fluctuations, to reveal and to stimulate influence of a complex of socio-economic factors. The quantitative analysis of data will promote experience in the construction of forecasts and preparation for important decisions related to public relations. Home work and independent study focuses on understanding methods and interpreting results. The procedure control is concerned with the performance of tasks at seminars. Prerequisite: Mathematics, Computer Science, Economy, Sociology, Social methodology (1st part), and also Logic. (Prerequisites: PR-11.IV.F.) (72 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Inessa G. Tarusina.


This course focuses on mastering the knowledge of social theories of mass communications, formation of skills applying to methods of sociological researches of communicative process. The course furthers the knowledge of courses pertaining to Sociology and Methods of Researches in PR with reference to the topic of mass communications. The procedure control of knowledge will be carried out in the form of performance and discussion of independent creative tasks, and public performance of control works.

PR-12.III.S. In the first semester, theory and practice of mass communications in a modern society is considered. The topics of lectures are connected to the analysis of functions, roles and tendencies of МC development, statement of modern theories of information process, interaction of МC with authority and the audience in western countries and Russian society, and methods and results of sociological research of mass communications. (60 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Julia Ju. Murashova.

PR-12.IV.F. In the second part of this course, the sociological research of mass communication is examined. On the topic of practical employment, the questions of the theory and practice of the functioning and means of mass communication, and materials of concrete research of the contents and effects of МC influence on an audience are considered. (Prerequisites: PR-12.III.S.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

 Lecturer: Julia Ju. Murashova.

PR-13.V.F. MARKETING RESEARCHES IN PUBLIC RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION. The main goal of this course is to study international and Russian market of public relations and communication services. Students learn how to communicate with customers and how to present their own ideas. The procedure and midterm control focuses on spelling of control works, assessment of works at seminars, and control of work with literature. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Anna S. Gorokhova.


PR-14.IV.F. MODERN MANAGEMENT. The purpose of this subject is to train theoretical and methodical basics of management of socio-economic processes and phenomena at various levels. Special attention is given to principles, and forms and methods of strategic and administrative management. The midterm control includes tests or answers to questions on the material. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Irina E. Goncharova.

PR-15*.IV.S. FUNDAMENTALS OF TELEVISON AND RADIO JOURNALISM. The purposes and tasks of this course are focusing on the acquisition of expertise in PR by providing basic knowledge of the profession of television and radio journalist, and to generate concepts of engineering of execution and practical skills. It is necessary to help rapid orientation in events and transformation of any event in relation to product. The procedure and midterm control include written reviews and analysis of TV programs, drawing up ratings of TV journalists in Russia, and practical work in an audience (individual experience in interviewing, conversation, press conference, etc). (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Julia N. Olestchenko.


PR-16.IV.S. MARKETING. This course will acquaint students with the main tasks of marketing, development, and methods of implementation of a complex market in various situations. The procedure and midterm control include spelling of control works, assessment of works at seminars, control of work with literature. (60 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Marina E. Lebedeva.

PR-17. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MASS COMMUNICATIONS. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the information and communication system in our country and abroad; the history of formation of modern types of information enterprises; functioning of information structures and work of their employees.

PR-17.II.F. In the first part of this course the following issues are examined: history of mass  communications, and also organization and problems of a social context of work with information: the Russian legislation and professional etiquette. The midterm control - reports of students on practical employment after mastering the appropriate lecture material and written works. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Maria L. Konyukova.

PR-17.II.S. The questions of MC functioning in an area of heavy communication in a city, region or country are considered. The subject of study is the MC concepts, social aspects and consequences of MC work. The midterm control - performance of students in practical employment after mastering the appropriate lecture material and written works. (Prerequisites: PR-17.II.F.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Maria L. Konyukova.

PR-17.III.F. The sociopolitical aspects of activity and influence of Mass Media, including the following themes are considered: ways of formation of the social issues on the information, classification of Mass Media, features of functioning of independent Mass Media, questions of public Mass Media economy and management. The midterm control – students work placement mastering the appropriate lecture material and written works. (Prerequisites: PR-17.II.S.) (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturers: Maria L. Konyukova, Shekiya B. Abdullaeva.

PR-17.III.S. In the last part of this course students analyze some analytical genres, correspondence, articles etc. They also study methods of editing. Questions of Mass Media functioning in a context of state and public management are examined. A PR-activity in publishing and Mass Media is also studied. The midterm control - involvement of students in practical work after mastering the appropriate lecture material and written works. (Prerequisites: PR-17.III.S.) (60 h., course paper, exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturers: Maria L. Konyukova, Shekiya B. Abdullaeva.

PR-18*.III.S. SEMIOTICS OF ADVERTISING. The purpose of this course is to teach students to read professional advertising texts, to decode of advertising messages, and to analyze interrelation of visual, verbal and paraverbal lines of advertising text. Students get acquainted with semiotics, its basic categories, concepts and conceptual semiotics, types of sign systems. Besides this, the course “Semiotics of Advertising” expands students` understanding of advertising as a science, modes of work above advertising messages which allows them to apply the received knowledge in practice. The procedure control: the account of visiting of lectures, work at seminars. (60 h., exam., 2 ECTS).

Lecturer: Tatiana A. Meleshko.

PR-19. ADVERTISING IN COMMUNICATION. The purpose of this course is to give the necessary amount of knowledge in the field of advertising-information activity for successful work in the sphere of public relations. Tasks of this course are aimed at providing students theoretical and applied knowledge of advertising-information activity, and also skills of practical work in this sphere.

PR-19.II.F. Questions of the origin and development of advertising in Russia and abroad,  campaigns are studied. The procedure control – account attendance, discussion of questions in the form of business games or discussion, check of  independent tasks. The midterm control - practical works and tasks at seminars, tests and control questions. (76 h., exam., 2 ECTS).

Lecturer: Svetlana S. Silaeva.

PR-19.II.S. In the second part of the course the following issues are considered: means of distribution of advertising, their choice and application, bases of development of advertisements and texts, style of the firm and its basic elements. In the end of the course the general questions regarding the functioning of an advertising market and its agents, including questions about the estimation of efficiency of advertising activity, and its ethical and legal aspects are studied. The procedure control - account attendance, discussion of questions in the form of business games or discussions, independent tasks. The midterm control - practical works and tasks at seminars, tests and control questions, practical work on a theme: "Provisional project of the plan of advertising campaign of a firm "N". (Prerequisites: PR-19.II.F.) (76 h., **course paper, exam., 2 ECTS)

Lecturer: Svetlana S. Silaeva.



French as a Second Foreign Language

Fr-01. FRENCH LANGUAGE. The two-semester course is intended for students with no previous French Language experience and offers an intensive study in various linguistic areas including French orthography, lexicology, grammar and style; various types of collocations; speech etiquette, etc. The course focuses on the development of functional socio-cultural competence in listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing.

Fr-01.II.F. Beginning French. An introductory French language course with emphasis on the four basic skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension. Role-play and various audio-visual aids are actively utilized to better students’ performance. (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Fr-01.II.S. Beginning French (continued). The sequel to Fr-01.II.F focuses on developing skills and abilities acquired during the previous semester. Major emphasis on forming pronunciation habits and activizing grammar and speech patterns. Audio-visual aids are widely used in class. (Prerequisites: Fr-01.II.F.) (152 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Instructor: Valentina Yu. Tulakova


Fr-02. FRENCH. ORAL SPEECH PRACTICE. The course is designed for students studying French as long as one semester (Fr-01.II.F.). The course emphasizes the further development of dialogue/monologue-building skills, deepening students’ language acquisition abilities. The course offers insight into French culture and traditions.

Fr-02.II.S. Beginning French (continued). (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Fr-02.III.F. Elementary French. (Prerequisites: Fr-02.II.S.) (228 h., test, 6 ECTS)

Fr-02.III.S. Elementary French (continued). (Prerequisites: Fr-02.III.F.) (228 h., exam., 6 ECTS)

Instructor: Valentina Yu. Tulakova

Fr-03. FRENCH. TRANSLATION/INTERPRETATION. The course focuses on forming and developing the skills necessary for pre-translation analysis of an original French text and working out the general strategy of translation/interpretation. (Prerequisites Fr-01.II.F. and Fr-01.II.S.)

Fr-03.III.F. Elementary French. Interpretation: mnemonic techniques (for oral and written texts). Enlarging active vocabulary. General vocabulary and set expressions. Pre-arranged interpretation of shortened discourse from French into Russian. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Fr-03.III.S. Elementary French (continued). Translation: types of translation. Linguistic units as seen in translation, text-building in French and observing its national peculiarities in translation. Loan translation. (Prerequisites: Fr-03.III.F.) (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Fr-03.IV.F. Intermediate French. Lexical and semantic modifications in translation/interpretation. “Untranslatable” units. Translator’s notes. Literary translation: basics. (Prerequisites: Fr-03.III.S.) (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Fr-03.IV.S. Intermediate French (continued). Interpretation: cliches and their classification. Expressing conclusion, deduction and argumentation in a target language. (Prerequisites: Fr-03.IV.F.) (120 h., test, 3 ECTS)

Fr-03.V.F. Upper-intermediate French. Translation: rendering phraseology and idioms. Business French survival kit. (Prerequisites: Fr-03.IV.S.) (180 h., test, 5 ECTS)

Fr-03.V.S. Upper-intermediate French (continued). Interpretation: successive interpretation of socio-political discourse. Interpreter guide practical training (basics). Business language: communication and business etiquette. (Prerequisites: Fr-03.V.F.) (108 h., exam., 3 ECTS)

Instructor: Anna V. Golubeva


Fr-04. LINGUISTICS SURVEY OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. This two-semester course overviews theoretical issues of French Phonetics and Lexicology (fall semester); Grammar and Stylistics (spring semester).

Fr-04.IV.F. Intermediate French. Phonetics (a theoretical course): general and particular phonetics, pronunciation standard, phonology, the system of French phonemes, syllable, syntagm, accentual structure of French words, intonation and prosody. Theoretical Lexicology: lexicology and other branches of linguistics, word, nomination, etymology, linguistic sign, semantics, homonymy and polysemy, word-formation, word collocation. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Fr-04.IV.S. Intermediate French (continued). Theoretical Grammar: French morphology and syntax, suprasegmental units (text and its structure, hypertext). Theoretical Stylistics: expressive means of the French language, stylistic devices, functional stylistics, registers, decoding stylistics and text interpretation (basics). (Prerequisites: Fr-04.IV.F.) (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Instructor: Valentina Yu. Tulakova

German as a Second Foreign Language

Grm-01. THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. The two-semester course is intended for students with no previous German Language experience and offers an intensive study in various linguistic areas including German orthography, lexicology, grammar and style; various types of collocations; speech etiquette, etc. The course focuses on the development of functional socio-cultural competence in listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing.

Grm-01.II.F. Beginning German. An introductory German language course with emphasis on the four basic skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension. Role-play and various audio-visual aids are actively utilized to better students’ performance. (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Grm-01.II.S. Beginning German (continued). The sequel to Grm-01.II.F focuses on developing skills and abilities acquired during the previous semester. Major emphasis on forming pronunciation habits and activizing grammar and speech patterns. Audio-visual aids are widely used in class. (Prerequisites: Grm-01.II.F.) (152 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Instructor: Marina V. Kholodok


Grm-02. GERMAN. ORAL SPEECH PRACTICE. The course is designed for students studying German as long as one semester (Grm-01.II.F.). The course emphasizes the further development of dialogue/monologue-building skills, deepening students’ language acquisition abilities. The course offers insight into Germanic culture and traditions.

Grm-02.II.S. Beginning German (continued). (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Grm-02.III.F. Elementary German. (Prerequisites: Grm-02.II.S.) (228 h., test, 6 ECTS)

Grm-02.III.S. Elementary German (continued). (Prerequisites: Grm-02.III.F.) (228 h., exam., 6 ECTS)

Instructor: Marina V. Kholodok

Grm-03. GERMAN. TRANSLATION/INTERPRETATION. The course focuses on forming and developing the skills necessary for pre-translation analysis of an original German text and working out the general strategy of translation/interpretation. (Prerequisites: Grm-01.II.F. and Grm-01.II.S.).

Grm-03.III.F. Elementary German. Interpretation: mnemonic techniques (for oral and written texts). Enlarging active vocabulary. General vocabulary and set expressions. Pre-arranged interpretation of shortened discourse from German into Russian. (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Grm-03.III.S. Elementary German (continued). Translation: types of translation. Linguistic units as seen in translation, text-building in German and observing its national peculiarities in translation. Loan translation. (Prerequisites: Grm-03.III.F.) (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Grm-03.IV.F. Intermediate German. Lexical and semantic modifications in translation/interpretation. “Untranslatable” units. Translator’s notes. Literary translation: basics. (Prerequisites: Grm-03.III.S.) (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Grm-03.IV.S. Intermediate German (continued). Interpretation: cliches and their classification. Expressing conclusion, deduction and argumentation in a target language. (Prerequisites: Grm-03.IV.F.) (120 h., test, 3 ECTS)

Grm-03.V.F. Upper-intermediate German. Translation: rendering phraseology and idioms. Business German survival kit. (Prerequisites: Grm-03.IV.S.) (180 h., test, 5 ECTS)

Grm-03.V.S. Upper-intermediate German (continued). Interpretation: successive interpretation of socio-political discourse. Interpreter guide practical training (basics). Business language: communication and business etiquette. (Prerequisites: Grm-03.V.F.) (108 h., exam., 3 ECTS)

Instructor: Marina V. Kholodok


Grm-04. LINGUISTIC SURVEY OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. This two-semester course overviews theoretical issues of German Phonetics and Lexicology (fall semester); Grammar and Stylistics (spring semester).

Grm-04.IV.F. Intermediate German. Phonetics (a theoretical course): general and particular phonetics, pronunciation standard, phonology, the system of German phonemes, syllable, syntagm, accentual structure of German words, intonation and prosody.
Theoretical Lexicology: lexicology and other branches of linguistics, word, nomination, etymology, linguistic sign, semantics, homonymy and polysemy, word-formation, word collocation. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Grm-04.IV.S. Intermediate German (continued). Theoretical Grammar: German morphology and syntax, suprasegmental units (text and its structure, hypertext). Theoretical Stylistics: expressive means of the German language, stylistic devices, functional stylistics, registers, decoding stylistics and text interpretation (basics). (Prerequisites: Grm-04.IV.F.) (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Instructor: Marina V. Kholodok

Spanish as a Second Foreign Language

Sp-01. THE SPANISH LANGUAGE. The two-semester course is intended for students with no previous Spanish Language experience and offers an intensive study in various linguistic areas including Spanish orthography, lexicology, grammar and style; various types of collocations; speech etiquette, etc. The course focuses on the development of functional socio-cultural competence in listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing.

Sp-01.II.F. Beginning Spanish. An introductory Spanish language course with emphasis on the four basic skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension. Role-play and various audio-visual aids are actively utilized to better students’ performance. (152 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Sp-01.II.S. Beginning Spanish (continued). The sequel to (Sp-01.II.F). focuses on developing skills and abilities acquired during the previous semester. Major emphasis on forming pronunciation habits and activizing grammar and speech patterns. Audio-visual aids are widely used in class. (Prerequisites: Sp-01.II.F.) (152 h., exam., 4 ECTS)

Instructor: Ekaterina Yu. Titkova


Sp-02. SPANISH. ORAL SPEECH PRACTICE. The course is designed for students studying Spanish as long as one semester (Sp-01.II.F.). The course emphasizes the further development of dialogue/monologue-building skills, deepening students’ language acquisition abilities. The course offers insight into Spanish culture and traditions.

Sp-02.II.S. Beginning Spanish (continued). (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Sp-02.III.F. Elementary Spanish. (Prerequisites: Sp-02.II.S.) (228 h., test, 6 ECTS)

Sp-02.III.S. Elementary Spanish (continued). (Prerequisites: Sp-02.III.F.) (228 h., exam., 6 ECTS)

Instructor: Ekaterina Yu. Titkova

Sp-03. SPANISH. TRANSLATION / INTERPRETATION. The course focuses on forming and developing the skills necessary for pre-translation analysis of an original Spanish text and working out the general strategy of translation/interpretation. (Prerequisites Sp-01.II.F. and Sp-01.II.S.)

Sp-03.III.F. Elementary Spanish. Interpretation: mnemonic techniques (for oral and written texts). Enlarging active vocabulary. General vocabulary and set expressions. Pre-arranged interpretation of shortened discourse from Spanish into Russian. (76 h., test, 1 ECTS)

Sp-03.III.S. Elementary Spanish (continued). Translation: types of translation. Linguistic units as seen in translation, text-building in Spanish and observing its national peculiarities in translation. Loan translation. (Prerequisites: Sp-03.III.F.)  (76 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Sp-03.IV.F. Intermediate Spanish. Lexical and semantic modifications in translation/interpretation. “Untranslatable” units. Translator’s notes. Literary translation: basics. (Prerequisites: Sp-03.III.S.) (152 h., test, 4 ECTS)

Sp-03.IV.S. Intermediate Spanish (continued). Interpretation: cliches and their classification. Expressing conclusion, deduction and argumentation in a target language. (Prerequisites: Sp-03.IV.F.) (120 h., test, 3 ECTS)

Sp-03.V.F. Upper-intermediate Spanish. Translation: rendering phraseology and idioms. Business Spanish survival kit. (Prerequisites: Sp-03.IV.F.) (180 h., test, 5 ECTS)

Sp-03.V.S. Upper-intermediate Spanish (continued). Interpretation: successive interpretation of socio-political discourse. Interpreter guide practical training (basics). Business language: communication and business etiquette. (Prerequisites: Sp-03.V.F.) (108 h., exam., 3 ECTS)

Instructor: Ekaterina Yu. Titkova


Sp-04. LINGUISTIC SURVEY OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE. This two-semester course overviews theoretical issues of Spanish Phonetics and Lexicology (fall semester); Grammar and Stylistics (spring semester).

Sp-04.IV.F. Intermediate Spanish. Phonetics (a theoretical course): general and particular phonetics, pronunciation standard, phonology, the system of Spanish phonemes, syllable, syntagm, accentual structure of Spanish words, intonation and prosody.
Theoretical Lexicology: lexicology and other branches of linguistics, word, nomination, etymology, linguistic sign, semantics, homonymy and polysemy, word-formation, word collocation. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Sp-04.IV.S. Intermediate Spanish (continued). Theoretical Grammar: Spanish morphology and syntax, suprasegmental units (text and its structure, hypertext). Theoretical Stylistics: expressive means of the Spanish language, stylistic devices, functional stylistics, registers, decoding stylistics and text interpretation (basics). (Prerequisites: Sp-04.IV.F.) (68 h., exam., 2 ECTS)

Instructor: Ekaterina Yu. Titkova


Courses for Students Majoring in European Studies.

Cr-01. THE LANGUAGE OF A SELECTED POPULATED AREA. THE CROATIAN LANGUAGE. The two-semester course is intended for students with no previous Croatian Language experience and offers an intensive study in various linguistic areas including basically Croatian and introductory Serbian orthography, lexicology, grammar and style; various types of collocations; speech etiquette, etc. The course focuses on the development of functional socio-cultural competence in listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. After completing the course participation in  one-term exchange program is possible.

Cr-01.II.F. Beginning Croatian. An introductory Croatian language course with emphasis on the four basic skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension. Role-play and various audio-visual aids are actively utilized to better students’ performance. (68 h., test, 2 ECTS)

Cr-01.II.S. Beginning Croatian (continued). The sequel to (Cr-01.II.F). focuses on developing skills and abilities acquired during the previous semester. Major emphasis on forming pronunciation habits and activizing grammar and speech patterns. Audio-visual aids are widely used in class. (Prerequisites.: Cr-01.II.F.) (68 h., exam, 2 ECTS)

Instructor: Darya B. Falchuk



Every student with academic interests that cannot be adequately served by existing departmental concentrations may apply to the Department of Extracurricular Programs. These programs are not limited to Nevsky students, but open to everybody who is interested.

Studying at the Department is rather good opportunity to use one’s time with the benefit for the future namely to extend one's knowledge, and to see fulfilled one’s creative possibilities.

Program in Communicative Skills

Amount of academic hours – 1800 h. Amount of credits – 50 ECTS. The program starts in the middle of September. 

Core Courses (20 ECTS):


Basics of Communication Theory;

Interpersonal Communication;

Conflict Resolution;

Russian Language and Speech Culture.


Required and optional Courses (10 ECTS):

Speech Technique

Debate and Speech;

Performing Art;

Image Making Technique . 

Training Sessions (20 ECTS):


Student Debate Club;

Business Correspondence;

Round Tables Discussions;

Image Making;

Project Implementation.

Program in  Art of Advertising 

Amount of academic hours – 1836 h. Amount of credits – 51 ECTS. The program starts in the middle of September. 

Core Courses (18,5 ECTS):


Mathematics and Informatics;

Psychology of Mass Communication;

Semiotic of Advertising;

Psychology of Perception of Advertising.

Required and optional (10 ECTS):

Composition and Colors in Advertising;

Graphic Programs: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, 3D Studio, MAX;


Training Sessions (16 ECTS):


Development of Advertising Products Models;

Making the Presentations in Power Point;

Review of Advertising Products (TV, Posters, Press);

Making of Advertising Product for the Web Pages.

Short-Term Courses

There are short-term courses at the Institute for Nevsky students and for outsiders who are interested in raising their level of education. Courses offered by the Department of Extracurricular Programs are continually updated and widened, as the labor-market demands. It signifies that there is a possibility to organize any seminar, training session or educational course in accordance with necessities of the student.


Art-Studio. Artist Yuri Shevchik offers a program named “The ABC of visual perception: fine arts in the professional practice”. During this one year program students take courses in drawing, painting, composition, advertising, project development, art of print, introduction to the fine arts theory, etc.

The Certificate of the Nevsky Institute is awarded.

Web-Design. The duration of this course is 72 academic hours. The program is intended for persons who whish to learn how to put their own information on the Internet. This course is design for those who have experience working with MS Windows.

The Certificate of the Nevsky Institute is awarded.


Courses for Foreign Languages. The Department offers programs for studying English, German, Finnish, Spanish, and French for different proficiency levels. The course covers 90 academic hours. The number of students in each class is 6-8 people.

The Certificate of the Nevsky Institute is awarded.

Course for City-Guides. This course covers 60 academic hours devoted to preparation for city-guides. This course is recommended for employees of offices who frequently deal with foreign visitors and business partners. Entrants are required to be fluent in English (upper-intermediate or advanced levels).

The Certificate of the Nevsky Institute is awarded.


Course in Simultaneous Translation. This course is recommended for students majoring in Linguistics (English and Finnish languages), and specialists who frequently deal with foreign visitors and business partners. Entrants must have upper-intermediate or advanced levels of English/Finnish. Course covers 80 academic hours. The number of students in each class is 8-10.

The Certificate of the Nevsky Institute is awarded.


Training for Managers.  This is a training course for any manager of higher and average levels. It develops skills for leadership. The following topics are covering in this program: leadership, time-management, forms of cooperation, business psychology, and advertising psychology. The course load is 56 academic hours. The Certificate of the Nevsky Institute is awarded


Course in Managing an Office. The following topics are covered: office work, typewriting, business English, informational technology (MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Internet), and image projection. The course load is 200 academic hours.

The Certificate of the Nevsky Institute is awarded.


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